Friday, December 14, 2018

Wizard of Oz

Stockton and Maysen both had their last final today. They are finished. Stockton is finished for about 2 1/2 years. Wow. Maysen called and talked to me after her final. I think we talked for about two hours. I'm so excited for them to come home tomorrow!

Jorja did okay at school today. Kind of. She crashed around seminary. She fell asleep and then had a really hard time in chemistry. She said she couldn't even think and begged me to check her out. I picked her up and took her to Zupas to get some food inside her. I bought her a big water bottle and told her to drink the entire thing. I dropped her off at school right as it ended. She needed to be there to set up for the Christmas dance. She definitely got some of her energy back though. She went to Arby's with student government after and seemed to have a great time. I have been so grateful for student government; being a part of it has been such a blessing in Jorja's life.

I went to Kanani's house tonight. The idea was I would stop by her pop up store and pick up a bib for Anne. I ended up talking to her for a long time. Then Darby got home. He asked to talk to me. He ran something downstairs from a girl answering him to the dance. I thought he was talking about Sweethearts, because a lot of people have already been asked. Nope. He asked a girl a few days ago to the dance Saturday. He said that he's learned that a lot of the times way cute girls don't get asked, and if you wait you will hear about it the week before. Haha. It made me laugh. Darby wanted to talk to me about gingerbread houses. Specifically the icing. We went to his kitchen so I could show him the best bowl/beater to use. It was funny because he had no idea that I showed his mom how to make the houses or that I gave her a mold the day before. He thought making gingerbread houses would be a fun date and was wanting to know the best way to make the icing. I ended up talking to Darby and Kanani for a long time. It was very interesting to hear what goes on in student government from Darby's perspective. While I was talking to them I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 7:00. Yikes! Mike and I had a play at 7:00. I looked at my phone and saw that Mike had been texting and calling me. I had it on silent and hadn't noticed. I busted out of there so fast. When I got home Mike told me that play tickets were for 7:30. Thank heavens!

I was hoping Jorja would go to the play with us, but Madison was over. She was super sad and crying. She is dealing with some hard things with her family right now. Anyway, Jorja was out for the play. I had talked to Preston this morning and told him if Jorja was unable to go we would be taking him. I let him know he was up when I got home and ran downstairs to talk to Jorja. I guess Preston started crying to Mike and telling him he hated The Wizard of Oz. Oh geez. Mike and I ended up going by ourselves and letting the extra ticket go to waste. I am not a Wizard of Oz fan at all, but this play was fantastic. Lexi Walker was Dorothy and she was sooooo good. My favorite was probably the scarecrow. He was doing flips everywhere. Preston would have loved it. I had a great time alone with Mike though.

When Mike and I came home Madison was asleep in our bed. Jorja was watching The Grinch while writing Christmas cards. We woke Madison up and I drove her home. I really like that girl. I hope things with her family get better.

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