Monday, December 10, 2018

Duck Bully

I am planning on making a lot of gingerbread this week. Jorja is having the sophomore class officers over to make houses on Friday and we are having my family over on Sunday. Rachel is thinking of making houses for her family and decorating them at the same time. I don't know if it will work out because she is also hosting Brett's work party on Friday, but it is a nice thought. I sent her my gingerbread recipe. I thought I would add it here in case I ever lose it. I'm pretty sure the house was from Martha Stewart. I have different notes to help me remember what works best for me. Anyway, I make A LOT of this around Christmas time.
Jorja went to school today, but she was late. She missed Chinese. She went and talked to her teacher about it. Her teacher gave her a packet to turn in on Wednesday and said to not worry about anything else. This is a concurrent class, so her grade will also count for college. So glad her Chinese teacher is amazing this year. Last year Jorja would have been in a hole too deep to ever dig herself out of.

I kept hearing a ducks quacking, so I went to see what was going on. Poor Kiki was out behind the duck house with no way to get in. She hasn't figured out how to use the ramp yet. It took me awhile, but I got her back in the house. The only problem was the mallards were in the middle and the white ducks were on each side. I watched for awhile because I didn't think that would end well. I was right. It wasn't long before Waddluigi attacked Quacky Chan. He chased him out of the house and Quacky Chan fell down the ramp and into the pond. You can see feathers in Waddluigi's mouth.
Quackletta and Waddluigi the bully
 Quacky Chan
I sent videos to Mike about the entire situation. Who knows what the long term solution to this is. Why can't they just get along? Aysha took Jorja to McDonalds and shopping after school. Jorja was looking for something for her secret Santa person, but didn't have any luck. She went to Dancing with the Hawks tonight with Hailey. I found these pictures on my phone. I sent the second one to Stockton. Weston cracks me up!
Gavin & Jorja
 Weston with the photobomb, Gavin & Jorja
Jorja didn't have the best time at the show. She went to Chick-Fil-A with her friends after to cheer her up a bit. Madison and her friends, Hailey, and Carter. That's all I know. She also got to see her work friends that she hasn't seen in a long time. Nothing can make Jorja feel better than being around people. That is the exact opposite of me. I like people, but I always come away super tired.

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