Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Special Friend

Jorja had a student government Christmas breakfast today. She loved it last year and was excited to go this time. She was disappointed that she didn't get a group picture though. I'm glad she was able to make it there on time. This is the earliest she has been able to get up in a long time! She had to be there by 8:00 or the doors would close and they wouldn't let anyone in. She cut it close, but made it.  I spent the day making gingerbread. I baked nine houses today. I listened to conference while I was doing it, I really enjoyed that. On an unrelated note, I saw this question and I laughed and laughed.
Jorja stayed after school for a long time to work on her math. She has an F in math right now. Yikes! Chad helped her until about 4:00. She had more to do, but she felt bad keeping Chad there that long. Chad is her math teacher. Mr. VanOrden is his name. Stockton had him for advisory for four years and always called him Chad. I don't know if that is what all the kids call him, but Jorja calls him that too. Anyway, he embarrassed Jorja. During class he told everyone how Jorja called me while I was talking to him. He was making fun of how Jorja talked. She sounded so weird when she was sick. She didn't mind that, she thought it was funny. She was a little more embarrassed after school. Jorja was the last student left and she mentioned that her ride was staying late anyway, so everything was working out. Chad started teasing her and asked if her ride was a boy. For some reason Jorja got embarrassed and Chad picked up on it. Then he teased her and teased her. He would say things like, "He must be a special friend....Does your mom know about him?......Does your mom know his name?....What is his name?....." Jorja got so worried that Conner would come in and look for her while Chad was teasing him, she asked if she could shut the door. Chad thought that meant the special boy was in the next room. Chad went into the other room where there were lots of kids and said, "Is Jorja's special friend in here?" Jorja was dying. Then he tried another classroom. Chad was having the best time. He then asked Jorja if she got this special friend a Christmas present. She said she did. He said, "I knew it! He is your special friend!" Jorja said, "Chad, I got you a Christmas present." Chad was stunned for a minute and said, "You did? Thank you." About thirty seconds went by and Jorja asked, "Chad, what do you want for Christmas?" That made him laugh and he told her she was funny. 

Anyway, Jorja got dropped off with just enough time to change her clothes and head to work. Her first time back since she's been sick. She just worked three hours, but was so tired when she got home. After she rested, Jorja and I headed to the store. They are doing a secret Santa thing in student government and she wanted to get something ready. Once we got home she realized she hadn't done her Chinese that was due! Yikes! She got it finished, but didn't get to bed when she hoped. I don't think tomorrow morning will go well.
Kiki & Quacky Chan

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