Saturday, December 1, 2018

Starry Starry Night

Jorja felt a lot better this morning. She spent most of the day in my bed watching a weird Minecraft interactive show on my laptop. It made her laugh and smile, so I was a fan, even though it was really weird. I gave Jorja her medicine before Mike and I headed to the church. We have been on the Christmas Dinner Committee. Our assignment was to make posters/flyers/hang up lights. Mike and I spent the morning with Jeff Scott hanging up lights all around the ceiling of the foyer. It looked really good, but I didn't snap a picture. Jeff left and Mike and I spent the next hour hanging dangling lights behind this Christmas tree.
I can't believe I didn't take any other pictures because the entire place was decked out. The other ladies that were there were super mad. They had come last night and set up a lot of stuff. They left around 10:00 pm and came back at 8:00 am. In between that time some people came in and moved the decorations around and played basketball. The ladies had hid the basketball nets, decorated them with garlands and wreaths and had cute wooden signs covering the basketball boards. Those were all ruined. It was not good.

We left from the decorating and I headed to the store to get more medicine for Jorja. I got her some pills, but she is having a hard time swallowing them because they keep getting stuck in her throat. She is so swollen. It's hard to take a good picture, and this one looks gross, but her throat is a ton worse than it looks like here.
Mike was able to get Jorja to eat a little spaghetti though, so that was a win. He also brought in ducks to make her happy. Look how amazing her smile is! I was so happy to see her smile! I was hopeful that she was on the mend.
Mike with Quacky Chan & Kiki
 Jorja was even well enough to goof around with me!
 Duck footprints
Jorja wasn't feeling well by the time we had to leave for the Christmas dinner. I gave her a sleeping pill and more medicine, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best! Stockton called right as we were leaving, so I was able to talk to him for a bit. That was nice. He is doing so well in school right now! The dinner was great. We got to sit at the table with Seth and Megan Bradley, Al, Camee and Kelsee Clark, and Nicole Antonelli. The company was really enjoyable. The food was great.
Mike and I had to stay and take down all the lights after the dinner was over. That took awhile. After we had been working for almost an hour we got a text from Jorja. She said, "I'm hurtig. Help. Throat is bad. Worse than yesterday." Obviously she didn't use the periods, those were separate texts. Jorja looked so great this morning, but by the afternoon it wasn't great. Now it was horrible. I ran and asked Stephanie Waddoups if she had any idea of how I could help Jorja with the pain. She is a nurse. She was the only medical person that was left at the church. She told me of some different medicines Jorja could take that would be okay with Advil and Tylenol. I ran to the store to give Jorja those. Mike and Preston slept downstairs on the couch again. Jorja and I were in my bed. I gave Jorja the medicine I picked up from the store. Less that fifteen minutes later she was throwing up. She probably spent the next twenty minutes throwing up off and on. She was crying and begged me to call Stephanie. I called her about 11:30 at night. Luckily she was up and she was able to help me. After talking to her I realized I had given Jorja all that medicine on an empty stomach. Ugh! Why did I not realize that! I had some chocolate pudding that I thought she could eat. She was able to get some of that down and I gave her some Tylenol. Jorja was absolutely miserable. It was so sad.
Jorja wanted another sleeping pill, but I couldn't give her one because I had given her Benadryl. She probably threw all of that up, but I didn't know. She finally got to sleep after midnight. Jorja's phone was on 'do not disturb' in the phone charger that is at the back of our room. At 1:00 in the morning, her phone vibrated and it woke me up. Isaac called. The phone hung up by the time I got there. I crawled back in bed when it happened again. I was furious. It woke Jorja up. She was finally sleeping and Isaac woke her up! I answered. He thought I was Jorja. I told him it was her mom. He said something like, "Okay, goodnight." I wanted to strangle him. Jorja was now awake and it took me about an hour to get her back to sleep. I have no idea why it buzzed. I'm sure it was on 'do not disturb'. But then again, I have been so tired that I could have not understood. I was totally asleep when the phone buzzed, but I thought I saw the moon icon. Anyway, not a happy day.

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