Sunday, December 2, 2018

Still Sick Porge

Today was a long day for the Porge. She was sooooo sick. I was able to get medicine in her before we left for church, but she looked just awful. I saw Becky Bingham in the hallway. She is the young womens president and her husband in an ER doctor. I asked if he could come over and look at Jorja after church. I was worried I needed to take her to the hospital. How would I know? Mike left right after the sacrament to be home with Jorja. He came back for the 3rd hour. I left after my Sunday school class. I ran all the way home, in the snow. My lungs felt really weird after that. I think it was too fast, too cold, without warming up. Still, I was anxious to get to her. Becky and Isaac came over after church. He looked in her throat and said it looked just awful. I had notes on what medicine I have given Jorja, when she has eaten, thrown up etc. He looked through my notes. He gave me different recommendations than the doctor had. I trust him a lot, so I'm going to follow his advice. I wish he had a magic pill to make this go away. Time is the only thing that will help. I was kicking myself as I went to bed. Why didn't we have Mike and Isaac give Jorja a priesthood blessing when he was here? That is something that would have helped her since modern medicine can't do a thing.
Mike brought in ducks to make Jorja happy. She looks so good here!
 I don't know why she took this weird picture.
Speaking of weird pictures. Jorja has been taking weird videos and sending them to her friends. Lots of times she doesn't remember sending them. One time she sounded like Chewbacca, one time she was making firetruck noises, several times she says, "Woohoo!" It's pretty funny. She was taking a video and drooled all over my phone, which is gross and very contaminated! I ran and got Clorox wipes to clean it.

I also found out that if you call someone more than twice when the person's phone is on do not disturb it will ring. That makes sense that I only heard two rings last night when Isaac called four times.
Today mostly consisted of getting Jorja medicine and trying to distract her from the pain. Madison and Collin came over and stayed for awhile. They brought her cookies. I'm sure Jorja liked that. She mostly sat on the couch and listened to them talk, but I think it made her feel less cut off from the world. Ebony also brought her banana bread, but Jorja was asleep when she came. Mike slept in the guest room tonight. Jorja stayed with me. I set my alarm to wake her up and give her medicine. That worked pretty well. I hope she has peaked with this pain and will be on the mend tomorrow. I will end this post with happier pictures of Jorja. Someone texted them to her, I think they were taken about three months ago during a fire drill. Mr. Packer got mad at them for this though. Still, it's nice to see Jorja's personality again, even if it is just in pictures.

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