Monday, January 21, 2019

Conner's Science Experiment

Today was the last day at the cabin. Sad. It is always sad to leave here. I used to try and memorize everything about this place when we were about to leave, because I never knew if we would be able to come back. I love knowing that it is ours. I love it here so much. So many good memories. No bad ones. It's perfect.
 Random pictures from Jorja's phone
 Jorja threw her phone up in the air over and over to get this shot
We played out in the snow one last time. We played on the jump the boys built. Preston went flying off. Stockton did too, but Mike's phone had frozen because of the cold by the time he went down. It was frozen when Jorja and Hailey went over it together too. I wish we had gotten those. Stockton's was awesome, Jorja's was funny. We went to the Springs and ran across a snowplow a couple of times. The snowplow ended up ruining the ramp, so Stockton was a little disappointed with that. The springs was so much fun. Connor didn't come out with us today. His shoulder was still hurting from whatever he did to it last night. Jorja went down on her snowboard. She did great considering she hasn't been on this thing since third grade. Well, I don't know if that is exactly true, but if she has it hasn't been much.
Flying Preston
Gavin flips
Stockton said it was his last wish that I go on the jump. I have been nervous about jumps ever since I hurt my tailbone on a jump several years back. But for Stockton I did it. I just didn't do it well.
I took the kids home while Mike and Preston closed up the cabin. We had a long drive ahead of us. The roads were great though. We stopped for Square Ice-cream. Jorja had begged me most of the trip to do that. Mike and Preston left about two hours after us, but after dropping Gavin, Hailey and then Connor off in Lehi, he got home shortly after we did.
Connor, Gavin, Stockton, Jorja, Hailey
 Gavin & Jorja ~ no idea who this was to
 Square ice-cream
 Stockton & Gavin
 Jorja & Hailey
 Stockton, Gavin, Jorja, Hailey
 Stephanie, Stockton, Gavin, Jorja, Hailey
There was a ton of snow when we got home! I was proud of myself for making it up the driveway. It made me nervous for Jorja's little bug though. Too bad I left all my snow stuff at the cabin. I found Stockton's boots and then random hats and gloves and headed outside. We have this little tiny electric snowblower. Usually it is fine, but when it is lots of heavy snow it struggles. I managed to get a path from our door to the driveway. I started working on the driveway but was not doing well. I contemplated diving headfirst and using myself as the snowplow to see if it would do better. I didn't though. I had been on the drive way for less than a minute when a car stopped in front of the Vincent's house. No one got out. I looked for a bit to make sure it wasn't our house they wanted to get to. Still, no one came out. I went back to my pathetic attempt to get the driveway plowed. A few minutes later Conner walked up the driveway. He said hello and that he was here to answer Jorja. He showed me his science project he made her. Haha. I told him that she would love it and she was really excited for the dance. Luckily I had just cleared a path for him to get to our door. He said he wanted to show it to Jorja. After a bit I realized there was no way Jorja was going to hear the doorbell. I was pretty sure she was downstairs. I let Conner in and got Jorja to come upstairs. I didn't stay for his presentation, but she said he presented it to her like he was presenting a science project to judges. Haha. That's funny. I hurried outside when I knew Jorja was coming up the stairs. Mike was at the bottom of the hill. He couldn't get up because I had left the snowplow in the middle of the driveway. Oops.
We played one of Mike's escape room games before bed. We picked an easier one because it is a school night. It was a lot of fun. We then played more jackbox games before we called it a night. What a perfect weekend.

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