Sunday, January 20, 2019

First Flips

We had such a fun day today. Mike and I got the kids up and headed to church. Stockton wanted to go to the Thayne 2nd Ward. He said they had the best stories. The talks in sacrament meeting were good, they were just kind of delivered boringly. I had a hard time staying awake. Probably because we were up so late playing games last night. Still, I'm glad we were able to make it here today.
Stockton, Hailey, Jorja
 Mike & Preston
 Gavin & Jorja
I love this video Jorja took. It is so dang beautiful here.
Jorja calls this the awkward homecoming picture.
Hailey & Gavin, Stockton & Jorja, Preston & Connor
 Preston mid sneeze
 Stockton, Jorja, Preston
 Stockton & Jorja
 Hailey & Jorja
 Connor, Stockton, Gavin
 Hailey & Jorja
 Stephanie & Jorja
 Hailey & Jorja
The girls ended up sleeping for several hours while the boys went outside and worked on their ramp. It was perfect by the time they were finished. The snowboards were flying off of it. Stockton videoed Connor going down. He didn't mean to do a flip, but he did. He said he was tired of landing on his back so at the last second he just tucked. The boys were so excited. I didn't see Connor flip, but I looked out the window and saw Gavin running full speed down the hill. I was worried for a second that Connor was hurt, but then Gavin gave him a huge hug and they were all celebrating. Gavin was so excited he did a flip his next time down. What a cool memory they will have. Their first flip on a snowboard was at our cabin.
Connor's flip
Gavin's flip
We played games inside. Jorja won Rewordable and was so excited about that. I won the Cabin Apples to Apples game. Mike made steak for dinner and we even roasted marshmallows.
 Mike & Jorja
 Hailey & Jorja
We went night sledding and had the best time! It was so fast! I didn't even see Jorja at the bottom. Mike had to shine his light on her before I could find her. Haha. White snowsuits are the best.
 You can tell by Jorja's hair that she had a great time!
We stayed up until 2:00 in the morning playing more Jackbox games. Mike and Preston had ordered a new pack, so we had a great time trying all of them out. Connor didn't play with us. When we went inside he took one more run down the hill. I don't know what he did, but somehow he hurt his shoulder pretty bad. He went to bed with an icepack. He Snapchatted Jorja almost the entire time though. While we were playing one of Jorja's friends kept texting her. One of the things he said was that he had a super small crush on her for about a minute. Gavin muttered under his breath, "Well, who hasn't?" Hahahaha! That made me laugh so hard. (Jorja was asking me how she should respond. This is a really good friend and she didn't want to mess things up. That is why Gavin heard about the text.) Anyway, we had a great night. Hopefully we won't be too tired to drive back tomorrow. I can't believe this weekend is already over. Cabin time goes by way too fast.

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