Friday, January 25, 2019

Hailey Hack

Have I mentioned how much I hate mono? Jorja can't seem to shake it. She was feeling sick at school so Stockton and I went and picked her up. We took her out to lunch and then home for a nap. She was hoping to sleep for twenty minutes and then go back to theater. She had a scene she needed to pass off. She slept for 2 1/2 hours. She now has an F in theater. I was hoping she wouldn't need to dig herself out of a hole this quarter. She's going to miss theater again next week for a field trip. I don't know what she is going to do.

I went and picked up Kelsee's missionary plaque. This is one of the things the bishop has asked me to do. I can't believe Stockton's is my next one. Guess we need to get a picture of him. He still has his sideburns, so we'll see if that ever happens.
Hailey cracks me up! Jorja put a red bucket on her head and pretended she was Hailey. Hailey always wears a red hat like Jorja wears a yellow one. Then she did it again with Hailey's hat that she left here after our trip. Hailey posted this today. I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Stockton and Jorja went to Gavin's house to hang out for a bit. Connor came down there too. Maysen came home from college. Once Maysen was home we texted the others and asked them to come play here. Gavin brought his sister Zoe and two other ballroom friends, Ty and Anderson. There was ping pong, foosball and jackbox games played. Connor and Stockton both ripped off their shirts during the intense foosball game. It was funny.
Stockton & Connor
 You can still see Stockton's bandaid from his flu shot on Wednesday
Maysen is really excited about a new writing thing she is working on. She is a moderator for this group that just started. The people thought it would be really small, but over 1,000 people have signed up now. Maysen has been after Jorja to sign up. She helped her do it today. It was really cute seeing them working together. I tried to get a picture of them, but Preston kept photobombing.
Preston, Maysen, Jorja
 Maysen & Jorja (snapped as soon as Preston went upstairs)
Today was such a fun day. It was awesome to have so many people at our house. Mike kept mentioning to me how good he was doing not getting frustrated with the chaos and noise. Ha! I'm going to miss days like this.

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