Thursday, January 24, 2019

Stockton's Blessing

Mike sent me this picture of Quackletta sitting on her next. He loves getting the duck eggs every morning. The duck eggs are delicious. Who knew they were better than chicken eggs? Too bad we don't have Princess Peep anymore.
Stockton and I fasted together this morning. We finished around the time Preston got home from school. Stockton had a milkshake for waiting for the second he said his unfasting prayer. Haha. We also went to Corner Bakery. Stockton usually loves that place. I think both of our stomachs had shrunk because it didn't taste good to either of us.

Stockton got his patriarchal blessing today. I had hoped he would get it at Utah State, because Jorja was so disappointed with her blessing. We have a new patriarch, so I wasn't sure if the blessing Jorja got was what she was supposed to have or if he was so new he didn't know exactly how to communicate his feelings to her. I am thankful that Stockton had his blessing with the same patriarch. It was interesting to see what things were the same and what was different. We had a great experience with Stockton. The patriarch talked to us for a long time when we got there. He had Stockton talk to us too. Stockton told us how much he loved us and how his greatest wish is to be with us forever. I'm so happy that both of us have the same greatest wish! I can't imagine life without my four precious babies.

I found it interesting that when we were there with Jorja, the patriarch mentioned three different times that just because something wasn't in a blessing doesn't mean it's not going to happen. I just figured that was something he would say to everyone. Nope. He didn't mention that to Stockton once. Jorja had a hard time because her blessing doesn't say anything about her future, especially getting married. She has been so sad about that. I now believe the patriarch was prompted before the blessing was given to give her that warning to prepare her. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to be there for the two different blessings. I had been confused after Jorja's and a lot of my worries were put to rest tonight. Stockton had an amazing blessing. He is one of the most fantastic people I know. He is going to be a great missionary. I'm going to miss him.

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