Monday, January 7, 2019


Maysen started her new semester today. She is going to be so busy. I hope she enjoys herself, but it looks so hard! Maysen called me before class. She was wondering if she left her makeup bag here. She didn't think she brought it, and used Jorja's makeup for family pictures. Well, turns out it was here all along. I texted her this picture and told her Boom Cow was using it. She wrote back, "Tell Boom Cow she is beautiful." Hahahaha! I love that girl!
Boom Cow with Maysen's makeup
She also said, "I'll just have to win the boys with my winning wit and personal charm instead." Hahahaha! Love her so, so, so, so much! Maysen texted me back and forth about her new classes. They will be ....interesting. She is taking Survey of American Culture, Literary History of the Early Americas, Poetry Writing, Advanced Fiction Writing, Cognitive Psychology and her institute class is about the hymns. She also has a coyote research internship that she is really excited about. She can't start that during the government shutdown though, so hopefully the shutdown doesn't last long.

Jorja and I went to Alta Idol today. Jorja went with Aysha. I sat by Hailey's parents. Jonas won Alta Idol last year, so he got to sing at this one today. When I asked Melanie if I could sit by her, she texted me that there was a chance he might not sing. He had lost his voice in Logan yesterday. Jonas is in a band called Backstreet Lovers. They perform all over. A few hours later she texted me that he was going to do it and picked an easier song because he doesn't have his regular range right now. Anyway, he was fantastic! If that is how he sounds when he is sick and struggling he must be amazing when he is healthy. No wonder he won last year. Jorja had a lot of fun there. She sat between two senior boys in student government. I kept watching to see who was hugging her now. She sure didn't lack for attention. Student government stayed after to clean up and then went to Chick-Fil-A. Jorja sure sees a lot of that place.

When Jorja came home we played some Jackbox games. There was this invention game that was super funny. I only got a picture of Preston's. His problem is that he wants to quit his job. Preston did this entire pitch about 'why quit when you can get fired?' Listening to him explaining it was soooo funny! That kid is hilarious!
Preston's invention
Speaking of hilarious. Jorja's invention made all of us laugh. Her problem was that she always sneezes at weddings. (The prompts were randomly chosen.) Anyway, Jorja's invention was scissors to cut the nose off of the face. No nose, no sneezing. I wish I had a picture of that. Even more, I wish I had video of her pitching her idea. We were all in tears we laughed so hard. I am so thankful that all four of my kids got their dad's wit and humor. Too bad not one of them got my eyes. I always feel stupid playing games like this. I don't have one ounce of creativity in my body. The rest of my family has it in spades. I love watching them though. They make me laugh and laugh. Jorja likes to tell me that Stockton would own Twitter if he were on it. I wouldn't doubt that. That boy is hilarious.
Jorja and Stephanie
Luckily it is late start tomorrow for Jorja. Preston is going to be so tired. We are trying to take advantage of every last second we have with Stockton. Weird that Jorja will be a senior when he comes back. I want Stockton's time to hurry and Jorja and Preston's time to slow down. What invention can we make to pull that one off?

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