Sunday, January 6, 2019

Making a Video

Today was our first Sunday with two hour church. I loved it! It was also Kelsee's mission farewell. She did such a great job. She talked about her thought process as she decided to serve a mission. When she knew she wanted to go, when she doubted, when she knew again, how she is scared and excited. I thought she did a great job. I had my first Sunday school class with my new class. They were great. My lesson went really well too. Sometimes everything just clicks and today was one of those days. I hope it stays like that for the rest of the year. The weird thing is, I won't be with these kids again until March. Now that we only have Sunday school on the first and third Sundays. I will be gone the next three times we are supposed to meet. Too bad that it wasn't the other way around so I didn't miss anything.

When we came out of church it was snowing so hard! Not a flake when we arrived. Mike drove Jorja's bug home for her. It was very slippery. Mike took Preston and Jackson around to do fast offerings. This was Preston's first time. In a blizzard. They don't have to go to many houses though, so they were done quick. We all went to Kelsee's house when they got back. It is so weird that my beehives are all growing up! I remember when Kelsee moved in. She would wear the highest heels and could barely walk in them. She wasn't shy at all and would always contribute to our lessons. She had a lot of great stories, especially about her dad following promptings. I'm going to miss her.

Jorja has been super stressed about MORP. The dance is on Saturday and she is the chair. The thing she is worried the most about is also something she can't control. She is worried no one will show up because MORP is dumb. The problem is it is also Jorja's biggest assignment of the year. I think she has the hardest dance. Prom would be stressful, but everyone wants to go to it. The stress would be all things you can control. Jorja is worried no one will show up to this one. Anyway, she and a few of the other sophomore officers got together at a park to make a MORP video. Packer said he would show it if she had one done by Monday. The video was too big to put on here, maybe I will split it up on another day. Carson, Joe and Bode showed up. Marshall was sick, so he couldn't come. Marshall is the historian, so he is supposed to do filming stuff. Jorja took my phone down and they took turns filming. The problem was, when Jorja got home she realized some of the scenes were filmed in portrait mode and some in landscape. She spent HOURS on this video. She even figured out how to edit the portrait/landscape videos together. It turned out so well! She was happy with it. Now she just hopes that Packer will approve it so it can be shown.
As soon as Jorja got home we went to Steve and Shannon's house for games. Jorja edited the video there. We played a lot of fun games. The kids especially loved the Jackbox games. I love how well Jorja and Weston get along. They have always been such good friends, it's nice to see them having just as much fun as teenagers.

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