Saturday, January 5, 2019


The end of Christmas vacation is here. Jorja had to work a nine hour shift. She left before most of the kids were up. We helped Maysen pack up this morning. Mike, Maysen, Stockton and I all drove down to Chick-Fil-A. Jorja was busy taking the drive thru orders, but she came out for a quick second to give Maysen a hug goodbye. I got her a milkshake and then she took off for Logan. Mike and I drove down to the Missionary Mall in Provo. We met Scoop and Cori there. Stockton had a list of all the things he needed for his mission. Two suits, five pants, six ties, two shoes, lots of socks, belt, light jacket, side bag - not a backpack. Things like that. Shannon told us that the Missionary Mall had everything in one place. I am not a great shopper. I was awful today. For some reason I couldn't breathe very well. I felt like I couldn't fill my lungs with air. I don't know if the air quality is that much worse in Utah County, but I was struggling. Stockton got everything on his list though. Look how cute he looks in his new suits! Stockton is very thin, so his suits/pants needed to be altered a lot.
 Stockton & Scoop
 Stockton, Benji, Mike ~ Benji helped us a ton. He knew exactly what an Arizona missionary would need.
 Stockton's second suit
I kept sitting on the floor. I was so dizzy. I was leaning back between this wall of belts for a long time. Stockton was laughing at me. He said that I reminded him of how he shopped when he was six. Oh how the tables have turned.
We spent enough there that Stockton was able to get a free three piece luggage set. That was great. What was even more awesome was Scoop and Cori slipped in and paid the entire bill. In full. I knew they would help out, but I never expected they would pay the entire thing. That is such a huge blessing for us right now.

Jorja hung out with one of her work friends after her huge long shift. Her name is Brynlee I think. Jorja met her twin sister and her sister's boyfriend. They all go to Riverton. Too bad Weston couldn't come. Brynlee's dad took them on a ghost hunting tour or something like that down in Salt Lake City. Mike, Stockton, Preston and I played Mario Party, which Stockton won by a mile. Once Jorja came home we watched an episode of the Goldbergs before we crashed into bed. I miss Maysen already.
Jorja & Stockton

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