Friday, January 4, 2019

Secret Code

Jorja had a rough day. She was so tired this morning. It probably doesn't have anything to do with staying up super late to talk to Stockton. She checked in during Chinese. I didn't call the office because I thought they told me not to if she checked in during 1st or 5th. I was wrong. Luckily the office called me and we were able to get it straightened out. Jorja felt awful all day though. This mono is sure annoying. I was taking Maysen and Stockton out to lunch, so we checked Jorja out of school and had her come too. We went to OHOP. Maysen's favorite. Jorja came home to sleep after lunch and Stockton took her to school in time for chemistry. She has missed seminary so many times. It's hard because she is behind in all of her classes, when she is struggling, that is the best class to miss. My dad would not be proud of me. Anyway, Jorja texted me during chemistry and said that she was one of the only people that understood what was going on and she has been gone for a week! She even helped other people. That made her feel good. Jorja doesn't realize how smart she is. It's hard for her sandwiched between Stockton and Preston. Those two are crazy smart, so it makes Jorja feel inadequate. She says Maysen has her writing, but there is nothing she excels at. If only she realized how smart she was across the board. Right now it is hard though when she is so behind. I hope she can pull up her grades. This quarter has been rough.

Maysen and I went to the temple today. We got there at 12:30 and hoped to do a 1:00 session. Nope. It was booked. The earliest we could get in was 2:00. We decided to do initiatories instead. Maysen hasn't done those before. That worked out perfectly. This is also the reason why Stockton took Jorja to school. I'm glad she was able to go back in time for chemistry. Jorja stayed after school today to make posters for MORP next week. Jorja is the chair for that dance and it is stressing her out. The theme for MORP is Jerseys. I think it will be a lot of fun. Carson, Joe, Marshall and Traven stayed after to work on the posters. Look how adorable they turned out!
Jorja had a date today with Collin. He works with her at Chick-Fil-A. She was pretty excited to go on a non-dance date. She likes Collin a lot as a friend. I am so glad she isn't interested in him as a boyfriend though. He would not be good for her. I think if she liked him he would be too controlling. He uses guilt a lot in my opinion. He is really nice to her though. Madison helped him plan the date. First they went ice skating....except it was closed. So, they ended up going to Zupas and then to a movie. They saw whatever was playing, which turned out to be Homes and Watson. Jorja said it was the worst movie she has ever seen. She knew it would be bad going in though, because we had talked about it at home. Anyway, Jorja has been on two non dance dates. They were identical dates in reverse. One was movie and Zupas, the other was Zupas and a movie. Same movie theater, same Zupas. Jorja texted me at 9:40 and said, "We're at a movie, is it okay if I come home after it finishes or do you want me home by 10:30?" I told Stockton that I thought Jorja wanted me to say she needed to come home. I told her that I wanted her to get some sleep because she is working nine hours tomorrow. I guessed right. Jorja wanted to come home. I didn't realize that this would have been the second movie they would be seeing. Jorja and I have now come up with a secret code that she can use when she wants to come home. Jorja does not like to use periods at the end of sentences when she texts. She says it makes the sentence too aggressive. So, if she is out with friends and she uses a period, I know that is the signal that she needs to come home. I will text her a message with two periods.. Like that. That way she is knowing I'm asking her if she meant to use the code. If she writes back and uses a period again, I know she wants to come home. Anyway, that is our plan. It would have been helpful today.

I did have every intention of having Jorja go to sleep when she got home....except the kids all wanted to play a game. (It did make me happy that Jorja came home from a date and wanted to spend time with her family. I love how much my family loves being together.) We played another escape room game. Maysen is going back to school tomorrow, so this was our last chance. This game was HARD! And so much fun. The puzzles were crazy, but pretty awesome. I fell asleep for the last bit though. I did wake up about five minutes before the puzzle was solved. I am not a night person.
Mike, Preston, Maysen, Stockton, Jorja
 I finally got a family gingerbread picture!
Maysen, Preston, Mike, Stockton, Jorja
I didn't decorate one this year. I was burnt out just making them. I can't believe Christmas break is over. I'm going to miss having all of my family together. These few weeks went way too fast. I have loved every second of it though.

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