Saturday, January 12, 2019

Morpity Morp Morp Morp looks like Stockton has been messing with my computer. My original title was MORP. Super creative, I know. Jorja had to work for four hours today. She came home and fell asleep for a bit. I ran to the store to pick up some last minute things she needed. I felt I needed to talk to her before she went. I just felt super anxious about some things. As soon as I got home from the store I went downstairs and talked to her. I talked to her about how she is in such a good position to make a difference in so many people's life. She has such a knack at making other people feel important. I love that about her. I talked to her about how it is so good she doesn't have a boyfriend. This way she can bring joy to lots of people instead of just focusing on one person. I told her that I didn't want her to kiss anyone tonight. That is what I was really worried about. I felt she was in a vulnerable place tonight. She has worked so hard on Morp and is soooooo stressed. Not only about Morp, but about her grades. Her body is also worn down. She has been sick for so long. I just had a really bad feeling about that. Anyway, Jorja rolled her eyes at me and said, "I'm not going to kiss anyone mom." I mean, she hasn't kissed anyone for a long time, but still.....I was worried.
Mike and I had to be there before Jorja. I wanted to be one of the first parents to arrive, because I wanted the spot we had at the Christmas dance last year. We got to play on rolling chairs and it was so much fun! I kept asking Jorja to make sure I got that spot and make sure I had chairs to play on. She did not. When we walked up to the table, Packer was there waiting for us. He said in a super serious voice, "I need to talk to you and your husband." I thought he was going to give us a lecture to not play on the chairs. I started kind of jumping on my toes and saying, "Please, please, please. We will do our jobs. Please let us play on the chairs." He laughed. He had the chairs waiting for us and assigned us to the exact spot I wanted. He said that we were the only parents that showed up last year so, "Jorja's mom gets whatever she wants." Hahahaha! I like that rule! Bode's parents were assigned to be with us. We went to high school with Destiny, Bode's mom. Mike and Destiny were in student government together. Destiny was the head cheerleader. We got Destiny to play on the chairs once, but that was it. It was okay. Mike and I had sooooo much fun by ourselves. I can't imagine how bored I would be if I had to just sit there for three hours. Plus, the chairs made me feel powerful. I chased so many kids out!

Anyway, Morp was a huge success. Except Jorja wasn't happy with the DJ. I guess he would play all of the song and have a few seconds of silence while he was switching things. Someone even told her that their friends were planning on toilet papering her house because of it. Weirdos. The dance started off slow as usual. At first there was only the sophomore officers and some other student government people there. Jorja was so worried no one would come, so I'm guessing this part was quite stressful. The dance was packed by the end. A lot more people were here then to the Christmas dance we chaperoned last year.
 Jorja & Kylie
 Kylie, Jorja, Stephanie
 Jorja and Stephanie
 Everything was decorated with different sports. I won't bother to label all of them, because it is obvious. I wonder if Jorja liked being the delegator or if it stressed her out. I should ask her. Okay, I did. She said it stressed her out, but she liked being in charge. So, there you go.
 Nice Chungus jersey. My kids are obsessed with Chungus right now.
For some reason, I always love watching the kids dance to Sweet Caroline
This was not our best work, but here is just a bit of our chair dance.
If you look closely, you can find Jorja. She's number 64.
I like this one because Raychel come running up to me at the end. That makes me smile.
Raychel is John's little sister. John was Stockton's good friend up at Utah State. Raychel is also in student government with Jorja. Jorja likes her a lot.
Raychel and her friend
 And Jorja was worried no one would show up . . .
Lots of jumping
The end. Look how many people made it to the bitter end.
I wish I had started this next video a bit earlier. The student government all gets in a circle while everyone else stands around the edges. They start a chant and soon everyone piles in the middle chanting ALTA, ALTA. You can't see Jorja in the video, but she said she got demolished.
Okay, now it's really the end.
I found Jorja after this to give her her keys. Mike and I were taking off. Mr. Packer had already taken our chairs away. I tried to get Jorja to play with me on the chairs, but she wouldn't. I'm sure she will regret that someday. Jorja asked if she could go hang out with her Chick-Fil-A friends. I did not feel good about this. Her friends go to a different school, but they got work off and came here to support her. They have been so nice to her, I just felt anxious. Jorja and I negotiated a time. Then I told her she could go if she didn't kiss anyone, or even pair off with anyone. Again, I just had a feeling that she was super vulnerable today and she would let her guard down.

Once Jorja got home we had so much fun. We played Jackbox games together as a family. While she was gone, Isaac dropped a box off on our doorstep. We knew he was going to drop off something. We were trying to guess what it was. Jorja thought it would be notes that she wrote him. She was right. He wasn't mean about it. He wanted her to read the notes so she could remember how she felt about him. Jorja said she was really glad to have the notes back. She wanted them back, but didn't want to ask for them. She threw them all in the trash without reading them. I am sooooo glad she is over him. Isaac asked if they could go on a hike sometime and talk. Jorja told me that she felt she should meet with him. Not on a hike, but something smaller. She said the nicest thing he did was three months after he broke up with her he came over and talked to her. He listened and let her tell him how hurt she was. Now that I think about it, that was exactly a year ago. Anyway, she said she didn't want to be a roadblock for him, or a bad memory. If he needed to talk to her to move on, she wanted to let him do that. I love her. She is wise beyond her years.
Stockton, Jorja and I stayed up for a looooong time. We laughed so hard. It was awesome. I asked Jorja if she wanted to talk to me about the dance while she was taking her makeup off or in her bed. She wanted to talk in bed. I went up to the guest room where Jorja has been sleeping lately. I had my phone that I was excited to show her pictures on. I was giddy with excitement to talk with her. She had worked so hard, and things had gone so well. I wanted to hear all about it. She crawled into bed and said she just wanted to write in her journal real quick. I said, "Sure. As long as you aren't writing about any kissing." She looked at me and my heart just dropped. I was so hurt. I know she is 16 and this is what 16 year olds do, but I felt so strongly that she should not kiss anyone today. It is hard to explain why I felt that way, but I did. I was also hurt because I felt lied to. We made a contract. I agreed to let her go with her Chick-Fil-A friends, and she agreed to not kiss them. She kissed a boy named Mitchell. I know she kind of likes him, but I feel not good about this at all. I don't know how I can trust Jorja. I was very clear about what I expected. I have many reasons for asking this of her, which I'm not going to go into detail about here. I just felt disregarded and disrespected. Needless to say, the end of the day didn't turn out how I hoped it would.

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