Sunday, January 13, 2019

Patently Stupid

Two hour church is the best. We came home and for our extra hour we played Patently Stupid Church Edition. Haha! Just kidding! We did do that, but we had a lesson a spiritual stuff too. In the game Patently Stupid you are given a problem. You need to come up with an invention to solve the problem. We made all of the prompts church things and it was hilarious. We were laughing so hard.
Problem: You don't want to shop on Sunday
Problem: There is not enough time to sleep in Elders Quorum
Problem: I don't have enough time to catch up on my scripture study
Problem: Always late for sacrament meeting
Problem: I can never get ahold of the bishop
In the second round everyone has the same problem and needs to come up with a solution. The problem we were given was: I always have too many sacrament trays.
All of these inventions are one thousand times funnier when you hear the explanation. Mike and the kids are so good at this. I'm not. I wish I was as creative as them. At least I can have the best time listening to them. They crack me up.

That part of the day was super fun. What was not super fun was the hours and hours of talks I had with Jorja. My baby is leaving on a mission in a little over two weeks. I don't want to deal with Jorja and boys! Can't she wait to drive me crazy until he is gone? I am so frustrated with her. Hurt. Annoyed. Angry. It has been a long day.

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