Saturday, February 9, 2019

Amazing Race - Sweethearts Edition

Jorja had her Sweethearts dance today. Mike and I planned the day date activity. The Amazing Race. It was amazing. Jorja was pretty stressed about it though. The girls in student government all formed a group for this dance. Jorja is the youngest. The freshman didn't go and Jorja is the only sophomore girl. She felt awkward being in charge of the day date. This morning she got a text on the group chat asking why they were dressing up in colors. Jorja wrote back that they didn't have to, she just thought it would be fun. Luckily almost immediately the other girls chimed in that they were planning on dressing up in their colors. That made Jorja feel a lot better. The girl that has complained about the day date all along is one of Jorja's good friends. She has complained about the price, the shirts and driving separately. She wrote back that she forgot to get shirts. Her color would have been dark blue. She and her date showed up wearing black, which was Jorja's color. Jorja was a little annoyed about that, but oh well. The day date was a success and everyone seemed to have a ton of fun, even the girl who complained about everything during the planning stage. Jorja was relieved. She was so worried that the senior girls wouldn't have a fun day date for their last Sweethearts. At least this was something different.

We started the day at 9:30, and were hoping to have the teams up and racing by 9:45. Mike had put together a schedule of when he guessed the teams would be at different locations. They were speedy! All the teams finished about an hour ahead of how long we thought it would take them. Mike and I had even taken out some of the challenges because we didn't think there would have been enough time. Turns out we could have sent them to Nicklecade and on a model adventure. That would have been fun. I think they liked time to unwind with pizza at the end. It was better than having to rush out the door so the girls could get ready. Anyway, here is Jorja on her way out to get Conner.
Mike set up the straw and eggs this morning, Jorja wasn't allowed to go in the kitchen. She's been kicked out of the kitchen for most of this week. As soon as Jorja left, Mike and I hurried to get up the lock station at the church. Right as we finished we saw some teams pull up. We booked it out of there. The kids were asked to park at the church and walk to our house. About four teams had arrived, hopefully they didn't notice us. I don't think they did or they probably would have parked closer to the baseball diamond.
We had Jorja take pictures of each of the teams and then they wrote their names on them. We were in such a rush to get started that two of the teams pictures didn't come out. If we only knew how speedy these teams were going to be, we would have waited for that to finish. It's okay, we had them sign their picture when they got back.
Jorja & Conner
 Maggie & Carson
 Isaiah & Aysha
 Kassie & Nick
 Ellie & Devin
 Jessie & Dawson
 Kenedy & Bryn
 Lexi & Keller
The kids met downstairs, got their pictures taken and then Mike explained the rules for the race. Mike made these cool envelopes to hold the clues. He used Alta's school colors instead of the traditional Amazing Race colors. The envelopes didn't rip open as well as we hoped, but the kids survived.
The first challenge was Preston's idea. It was building marshmallow catapults and then shooting a marshmallow into your partners mouth. Mike had set up everything upstairs, so the kids just had to run up there to start....although a few of them got excited and ran outside.
Clockwise: Lexi in white, Maggie, Kassie, Jorja, Carson, Keller, Conner, Nick
Mike had hid ten eggs in the straw. The kids had to climb out the living room window to get here. The eggs were kind of hard to find. Poor Kassie was the first one finished with the marshmallow challenge and the last one to find her egg. The ducks had fun playing in the straw too. 
Mike had written a combination on each egg with the 'secret agent pen'. The teams had to run down to the church with their egg, figure out where their combination was written and find the correct lock to get their next clue. That was pretty cool.
 Preston and a duck
 These are what the clues inside the envelope looked like
Jordyn was waiting at the library for the next challenge. We used the Declaration of Independence puzzle that Chad made up a few years ago. Jorja had a really hard time with that one and it put them far behind. She was having a bit of trouble with her vision and couldn't focus on the words very well. The words were hard to see. Mike and I even made it bigger than when Chad used it. Still it was tough.
Conner & Jorja
When they found the answer, they were supposed to stick a pin in the X. There was a map on the back and the pin showed the next location, which was Buttercup Park. Mike had a cow milking station there. Unfortunately we were unable to figure out how to get them to milk real cows, so this is what we came up with.
Once they finished that, they received their next clue along with puzzle boxes. The McPuzzled was their next clue. The Detour comes next. I should have put the two detour clues together. Whoops.
Devin & Ellie
 Ellie & Devin sent me this on the way to the dance and I busted up laughing.
 Keller & Lexi
 Jessie & Dawson
 Maggie & Carson
 Jorja & Conner
There was a note on the back of the puzzle that told the teams to text a selfie to me and they would receive their next clue. This is what I sent them.
I did have a slight problem. The racers were so far ahead of schedule that my two helpers weren't going to be at the mall yet, so I had no way to get both animals to the spot I needed. I ran down to the animal place and missed the first puzzle texts coming in. Whoops. I did get everything set up with the animal lady. I handed her my drivers license and credit cards and told her the kids were ahead of schedule. I asked her if I could settle things when they finished. She was awesome about it, so that was a relief!
There was a big difference between the racers at the beginning and the ones at the end. The ones at the beginning were taking it very seriously. They were choosing things based on time. Two teams got U-turned right away. Kenedy & Bryn and Maggie & Carson. I didn't have the animals yet, so they had to go with me and ride the animals farther than we anticipated. They were good sports about it though.
 Maggie & Carson
 Bryn & Kenedy
 Dawson & Jessie gave me the wrong answer, so they had to go count the lights again
Kassie & Nick and Jorja & Conner were way behind everyone else. They seemed to be in no hurry. It was funny. When Jorja and Conner got to the mall Jordyn and I cheered and chanted for her.
Kassie & Nick
 Conner & Jorja
Conner & Jorja spent a bit of time trying to figure out what to do. Neither one wanted to make a decision. I totally thought Jorja would pick the photo booth. She LOVES photo booths. I should have given her the $5 and told her to do both since they were already so far behind.
There was an address in the next clue. It sent them to Maggie's house. I wish I would have heard Maggie's reaction when she saw her own address! There was a name puzzle set up there that turned out pretty cool. This is where the race was won. Maggie and Carson were the fourth team to this station. Carson nailed that puzzle and they were the first team to leave. No one could catch them after that. Carson is the sophomore Vice President. His brother Keller is on the white team. I laughed because it was probably really frustrating for Keller to have his little brother pull ahead of him there. When Mike was interviewing the teams at the end Carson said, "We did an awesome puzzle." and Keller said, "We did an impossible puzzle." Hahaha. I thought that was so funny!
Lexi & Keller, Carson & Maggie
 Ellie & Devin, Aysha & Isaiah
 Kenedy & Bryn, Jessie & Dawson, Nick & Kassie
 Jorja & Conner, Kassie & Nick
 Jorja & Conner
Once the puzzle finished the teams headed over to the Okerlund's for karaoke. I took some screenshots of the kids singing because they were adorable. I put Jorja's video on here though.
Maggie & Carson ~ Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
 Isaiah & Aysha ~ Baby Shark
 Ellie & Devin ~ Don't Stop Believing by Journey
 Lexi & Keller ~ Love is an Open Door from Frozen
 Kenedy & Bryn ~ Un Poco Loco from Coco
 Dawson & Jessie ~ Golddigger by Kanye West
 Nick & Kassie ~ How Far I'll Go from Moana
 Jorja & Conner ~ Just an Ordinary Girl by Hannah Montana
The next stop was our house for the last challenge. A memory challenge. Mike said Maggie and Carson were so excited when they got here. They were also excited when they saw this was a memory challenge. Carson yelled, "We wrote it all down!" Maggie said, "This is not our first rodeo." Haha!
I left the mall and went to pick up the pizza Mike had ordered. Many of the teams were already finished when I got home. Mike took pictures of the first team doing their memory challenge, and I was able to get pictures of Jorja and Conner, the last team. When Mike made the video he edited it so it looked like it was a race between the pink and black team. Hahaha!
Jorja & Conner
 I'm glad these guys still had fun even though they were last.
Jorja & Conner's final interview, split into two parts
I'm super glad Maggie and Carson won. They were totally into it. They went all out with their pink color and both of them are huge fans of the race. They were fun to watch and were so excited to win. I wish we had had time to get a proper trophy and finish mat. Oh well.....
Maggie & Carson! Winners of The Amazing Race - Sweethearts Edition!
The teams had pizza and just relaxed for awhile before they left. I think the picture below is funny because it looks like Conner has a flat head. Like it is a picture that got cut off. Little things amuse me. I think Isaiah is pointing to Lexi (?) and Conner and saying how both of them beat him in the elections. Lexi for a student body officer and Conner for senior class president.
Nick & Kassie, Jessie, Isaiah, Devin, Ellie, Conner, Aysha
 Nick, Jessie, Dawson, Jorja, Conner, Kassie, Aysha, Ellie, Isaiah
 Conner & Jorja
Jorja took Conner home. She laughed about how when he was going through his garage she honked her horn and made him jump. Conner takes Jorja home from school every A day. He always honks at her as he is driving away. I think Jorja's horn is quite a bit louder though.

Once Jorja got home, she took off all of her day makeup and put on her fancier makeup. Who knew there were different kinds of makeup? Cori set up an appointment with her daughter-in-law who does hair for weddings. She was in Draper, but we didn't realize how far away she actually lived. Yikes! Scoop and Cori were both there. I left and picked up Jorja's boutonniere. We were really glad we didn't need to pick that up on the way home. Jorja's hair looked beautiful, but we were really pressed for time. I drove Jorja's bug home. Jorja climbed in the back and changed into her dress in the back of the bug. Haha! 
Jorja & Cori's daughter-in-law
 Her hair was beautiful
 Jorja was dying to leave, but I made her stop for a quick picture
 There goes my Porge!
Scoop and Cori stayed for awhile. Mike showed off his ducks to them. Cori liked them a lot more than Scoop did.
Cori with Waddluigi & Scoop with Quackletta
 Mike with Kiki & Scoop
Jorja said Sophie answered the door when she went to pick up Conner. Jorja was friends with Sophie before she even knew Conner. They were in the same orchestra class. Jorja was in 8th grade and Sophie was a 6th grader. Sophie was the first person Jorja told that she wanted to run for student government. When Sophie answered the door she yelled, "I got to see her before you did!" That made Jorja laugh. Here are some random pictures I got off of Jorja's phone.
Jorja with devil eyes
Jorja was excited that she wasn't the last to arrive. The girls met at the drivers ed parking lot. Abbey had a 12 passenger van. Jorja rode in that up to Salt Lake. They took pictures up at the capitol, then had dinner at Braza Grill.
Jorja & Conner
Jorja has been struggling to eat lately. She will be starving, have one bite and immediately feel sick. Luckily that didn't happen today. She was able to eat a lot and not get sick. Yay for small miracles! I was worried she would have a hard time at the dance, but she said she did okay. She didn't go into the crazy middle like she usually does. When she was leaving she texted me to look at her stories on Snapchat. She posted this video. I tried to take a few screenshots from the video. It doesn't look like these guys had a good time at all.
Conner & Jorja
Mike worked on putting together an Amazing Race video from the second the teams left our house until the dance was over. He finished just in time for us to go meet them at their after activity. They rented out Park 5, which I guess is a drink/icecream place. Mike took a tv off our wall down there. That worked out well. It wouldn't have been as fun to watch it around someone's phone. Here are all the kids gathered around watching the video.
Notice Jorja's shirt. She said she has worn that shirt in every after dance activity. Nice tradition.
Here is a link to the video. It is too long for me to download and put it here.
The kids then went to Kassie's house and played games for another hour. Wow. What a long day! Jorja had a great time though. I'm so glad the weather cooperated and that everything turned out how she hoped it would. What a day!

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