Sunday, February 10, 2019


Jorja got her Sweethearts pictures today. School dances are sure different now. They don't do pictures at the school. The kids pick a place and take the pictures themselves. I think that is a much better idea. Jorja's group went up to the capitol to take the pictures.
Conner & Jorja
You can't really notice in the picture, but Jorja's shoe is not buckled all the way. She ran out of here so fast she didn't have her shoes completely on. She never bothered to fix it. She said she fixed one shoe but didn't care to fix the other one. Haha. That girl cracks me up!
 They switched their corsage and boutonniere
 Switching back. I like this one because you can see Jorja's hair.
 Conner & Jorja
 Kenedy, Ellie, Jessie, Mia, Aysha
Lexi, Abbey, Kassie, Brooklyn, Jorja, Mia
 The student government girls. Jorja adores them.
Lexi, Kenedy, Abbey, Kassie, Ellie, Brooklyn, Jessie, Jorja, Mia, Aysha, Maggie
The girls also took pictures of different groups. Like 'student body officer girls', 'senior class girls', 'senator girls', 'junior class girls'. Jorja didn't have a group. She told me she joked and had them take a 'sophomore class girls' picture where she was the only one in it, but I haven't seen it. She thought about getting a picture with Carson. He is Maggie's date and is the sophomore Vice President. She was too nervous to ask though. She thought it would look too much like a date picture. I don't think Carson would have cared, he is super nice.
Carson, Dawson, Keller, Conner, Josh
Bryn, Isaiah, Tate, Devin, Tally, Nick
 Carson, Dawson, Keller, Conner, Josh
Bryn, Isaiah, 4 legged Tate, Devin, Nick, Tally
I find this next picture so, so, so, so funny. If you look at the boys, most of them look the same height. Well, look at their feet. All of the boys are standing on the step behind the girls except Carson! He is standing on the floor and looks like the same height as everyone else! How is he that tall?
 Carson & Maggie, Isaiah & Aysha, Bryn & Kenedy, Dawson & Jessie, Keller & Lexi, Tate & Brooklyn
Devin & Ellie, Nick & Kassie, Josh & Abbey, Conner & Jorja, Tally & Mia
Jorja was pretty tired today. I think yesterday wore her out. After church Jordyn came over to do the Librarian's Almanac with us. I was missing Maysen and Stockton during this. They would have been so good! It was really fun and such a huge puzzle! I took a picture of the finished puzzle, but for spoiler reasons I am not putting it on here. It was fun to have Jordyn hang out with us today.
Preston, Jorja, Mike

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