Friday, February 15, 2019


We weren't supposed to have any school today. But.....because we had a snow day a bit ago, this is the day that was chosen as a make up day. Too bad we had plans to go to the cabin. I had Jorja go to the first part of school. I checked her out at the end of math. While I was waiting at Alta for Jorja, Becky texted the ward missionary mom's chat. She sent a link to an announcement from the church. I opened it up and read it while I was waiting. I started crying. Tears were coming down my face. The church announced that missionaries could call home EVERY p-day! WHAT????? I couldn't believe it. As long as I've been alive they have only been allowed to call home four times in two years. Now I can talk to Stockton every week? Talk about perfect timing for me! I had been idling outside of the school, but I hurried and parked so I could go inside. I ran inside the school and found Jorja. She had already heard. I was absolutely thrilled! I can't even believe how much easier this will be. I hope Stockton writes just as much. I want him to have a record of his mission, and he is such an engaging writer. I'm just so excited to hear his voice throughout his entire mission.
Darby & Jorja
I texted Alex's mom when we got home and she brought her over. Mike had already left with Preston. Jorja, Alex and I drove to Logan to pick up Maysen. We went to lunch at Angie's. Yummy.
Jorja & Alex
Mike texted me these pictures so show how much snow is at the cabin. He had to dig the garage out so he could get to the 4-wheelers. He said that while he was bringing Preston up they saw a cloud. It came fast and all of a sudden they were in the middle of a huge storm. He warned us that at some point the weather might get crazy.
Well, Mike was right. The weather was crazy! I put the cabin address into maps and followed where it told me to go. I so regretted not spending an extra 30 minutes to go back to I15. Maps took us by Bear Lake and down tiny roads. We were driving through some canyon and got stuck behind a huge semi. The semi was going 5 miles an hour. The roads were great too! There was a caravan of about forty cars. We cheered when we were finally able to pass it. (The semi pulled over after slowing down everyone for thirty minutes.) We didn't get much farther until the snow hit. Once we were at Montpelier the roads turned awful. I white knuckled it for about two hours. I was so happy to finally see the Star Valley Temple. I was even happier when we finally arrived. The pilot has 4-wheel drive, but the bug has better tires. We slid several times. I could barely see in front of me lots of the time. It was a scary, scary drive. So glad we are all safe at the cabin now! What a relief!

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