Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

Right after Stockton left for his mission I saw this pillow at Smiths. Wow! How perfect! Now every cactus reminds me of Stockton. When I came back from dropping Jorja off at school, this was on my bed. What a perfect Valentines Day present.
Today was also Stockton's p-day! Yay! Yay! Yay! He got our brownies package and loved it. He also got a package from Preston that made him really happy. For scouts they made missionary packages and Preston left him a nice note in it. Stockton sounds great. He says the MTC has flown by. He really likes his companion, Elder Womack. One funny thing is Elder Womack hates elevators. They make him lightheaded. Stockton takes the stairs with him to their classroom. On the 5th floor. Which is 120 stairs each way, so about 1000 stairs a day. His math makes me laugh. Especially when he was talking about taking a knife and figuring out the volume of the cereal dispenser and the bowl then converting cubic knives to bowls. Hahaha. That kid cracks me up! We also got an email from the mission in Arizona. It had Stockton's schedule for the first two days he will be here. I loved that! Mike said that is much better than being dropped off in the middle of Brazil and having to sleep on a church floor for a week while looking for a place to stay. Yikes! Stockton sent this picture of him and his friend John. The guy in the middle is the choir director. He has also directed the Mormon Tabernacle Choir before, as a guest director I think. Stockton said he and John were taking a picture when this guy stepped right in between them. Haha! Stockton is going to miss running into John. I'm glad they had each other up at Utah State. They really got along well.
John, Choir director, Stockton
Jorja went with some of the student government kids after school to a retirement home. They had a dance. She got to dance with old people. She said it was so much fun. When she came home, Evan's mom pulled up right behind her. Evan, Drew and Shafer had brought her flowers and a blanket. They had a card that said they hoped she started feeling better. Jorja has missed a lot of school with her mono. Student government with Shafer is the first class of the day on A days and Chinese with Evan is the first class of the day on B days. The first class is for sure the hardest for her to make it to. I think Jorja vented to Evan a few days ago about how tired she was of being sick. She told me that she doesn't even remember what it feels like to be healthy anymore. Drew called her when we were driving to Wicked yesterday to check up on her. These boys are really good to her. Especially Evan and Drew. Drew is a huge reason why Jorja was elected her freshman year. He campaigned for her so hard. He was not shy and is hilarious. He made a big difference. Evan was Jorja's rock last year. Especially when her heart was broken. Evan was there for her. Evan is my favorite. He is such a good kid. They made Jorja's day today. She absolutely loves the blanket they brought her, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Jorja, Drew, Shafer, Evan
 Tulips from the boys
Jorja had a date with Mitchell today. This is the kid she wrote me a long note about begging me to let her have a date with him. She told me that they talked and agreed they would just be friends so they could hang out together. Mitchell brought her flowers, chocolate and a card. Hmmmm. Very friendly. Just kidding. It is Valentines Day, so that was nice of him.
Mitchell's flowers
Mitchell took Jorja to get sushi and then they went to a movie. She seemed to have a great time and Mike and I were both very happy that she made her curfew.
Jorja came into our room and was telling us about her date. I asked her a question, which I can't even remember what it was now. (I'm about two weeks behind on the blog. Ugh.) Anyway, we ended up getting into an argument. I don't even know how that happened. I didn't want it to happen and it wasn't my intention. I made her sad after she had had such a good day. Jorja asked if she could talk to Mike alone for awhile. I left them alone for about 30 minutes. I wish Jorja and I could get our relationship back. I just need her to be 100% honest with me. I know she hides things because she thinks about Mitchell because she knows I don't like him. I don't like him because she isn't honest with me about him. Which makes her hide things, which makes me mad. It's a vicious cycle. We are both tired of it. I really didn't mean to make her mad today.

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