Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wicked with Jorja

Stockton's district was assigned to help the new missionaries arriving at the MTC. Andrew arrived at the MTC today. He is my cousin Justin's boy. How cool would it have been if Stockton were the one to help Andrew out of the car? It would have been awesome! Too bad it didn't happen. Look how cute Stockton looks though.
Mike gave me a super cool present for Christmas and my birthday. He's letting me go on a tour to Israel with my dad in November and I'm super excited about it. I also got Wicked tickets to go with Jorja. I have been looking forward to this for a long time. Too bad mono hit again. I tried to get her out the door earlier, but she kept falling asleep. I was hoping to go to a cool restaurant, like The Cheesecake Factory. By the time I could get her up we just ended up going to Arbys. Oh well. I hate mono.

Right as I was parking I got a phone call from Alex's mom. We are planning a trip to the cabin this weekend with Mike's family. We just barely found out that both Miah and Weston won't be able to be there. I told Jorja she could invite a friend. Today I found out Maysen and Michael were planning on coming. Whoops. I'm not sure if I would have had Jorja invite a friend if I realized that. Anyway, Jorja chose to invite Alex. She is the freshman class Vice President. Jorja told me that last year when she was struggling and having a hard time feeling like she fit in, if a sophomore officer would have invited her on a trip with their family she would have been so happy. She wanted to do this for Alex, besides the fact that she really likes her too. I have never met Alex's parents. I talked to her mom right as we parked. She said that Abram, Alex's older brother, told them that Jorja is the best and he highly supports this trip. Haha. Abram is funny. He is very dramatic and always tells Jorja he would die for her. It makes me happy that people think so highly of Jorja. Abram was convincing enough that Alex's parents agreed she could come without even meeting us. That was pretty cool.

I loved Wicked. A funny thing happened there. Jorja and I were going towards our seats. We passed a family and the mom reached up and grabbed my hand. I looked down and she said, "Are you a Millburn?" She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. When I said I was she told me she was JERI MILLER! What the heck? I was sitting right next to Jeri Miller! I have known Jeri her entire life. She was in my ward, but I think she was about five years younger than me. She was there with her husband Blake and her four kids. It was awesome. About the same time Jeri asked me if I was a Millburn, we heard someone yell Jorja's name. It was Dessa! She was a few rows behind us. Funny thing is both Jeri and Dessa said they recognized my voice first. Ha! Who knew I had that distinctive of a voice?

The sad thing about today is I only got two pictures. Jorja took a Snapchat of us, but when I tried to take a screenshot of it I accidentally closed my phone instead. Whoops. Look at this first lovely picture. So glad I'll always have this memory.
 Dessa & Jorja
One more super cool thing that happened today. Jorja was contacted by the Taiwan people. They want to have a Skype interview with her in March! That is so exciting! I hope this works out. We hadn't heard from these people since she had her application in several weeks ago. Most of the application was in Chinese, so we were kind of worried she had done something wrong. So glad to see her move to the next step. Should be exciting!

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