Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Code Blue

Jorja didn't have school today. The juniors are taking the ACT. The 10th graders used to take the PSAT the same day, but for some reason they have cancelled that. I don't know why. They also used to have super short classes to finish the day; but this year they just had the teachers come and you could talk to them if you needed to. Jorja and I spent the morning looking at prom dresses. I told Camee what Jorja was looking for and she texted me about six different dresses. One of the dresses she texted Jorja was the exact dress she was looking for. She saw it a few months ago and became obsessed with the color 'sea foam green'. She only saw the top of the dress, but loved it. We looked and looked and could never find it. Then Camee sends it to us! We ordered it for Jorja. Hopefully it fits when it gets here. It won't come for two weeks. The place we ordered from has free shipping and free returns. Fingers crossed this will be the one.
Jorja and I then went and picked up bagels and then got her car washed. Whenever we take her car to Idaho it gets thrashed. Now it is sparkling. Jorja dropped me off and then went to pick up her friend Luke. They went to ice-cream, I think, and to Office Depot. Jorja came back with a giant cork board. She wants to make a quote board. When Jorja was leaving Draper Peaks, she almost got hit by a car that ran a red light. She was still shaken by it when she got home. Here Luke and Jorja are telling the story. This was filmed on Snapchat, so everything is backwards. When Jorja is showing things with her hands and says she was turning left, it looks like she is turning right. Also, it freaked me out that she is talking to the camera while driving. I'm glad she finally pulled over.
Maysen texted me today and it was freaky! This was our conversation:

Maysen: Apparently someone with a gun is on campus...Luckily I'm at work.

Me: Ahhhhh!!!!!! What the heck?????

Maysen: Code Blue: Armed aggressor reported on the USU Logan campus. Run, hide, or fight. Police responding. More information to come.

Maysen: Fight?????

Me: Ahhhhh!!! Are you with the coyotes?

Maysen: Yes They'll never find me here

Me: Yay! Yay! Yay!

Maysen: I am surrounded by 100 coyotes. They will protect me.

Me: Haha! You are the best!

Maysen: All Clear: During testing of the Code Blue system, an alert was accidentally sent. Disregard previous message. Resume normal activities.

Maysen: Whoopsie

So, I was freaked out for a little while. Maysen cracks me up. She is so dang funny! I'm sure glad this was not real!

Stockton called me today! I answered the phone and the first thing he said was he had permission from his mission president to call me. He was at Walmart and needed to buy a bike. He couldn't remember the PIN number on his card. He was wondering if I knew it. I had no idea. I tried to text Mike, but he wasn't responding. I didn't have high hopes of him responding at that time because he didn't respond to the Code Blue message I forwarded to him a few minutes before. Anyway, after about twenty minutes I was able to find his PIN number. Yay! Stockton seemed a little stressed. Hopefully things get better for him. We had no idea he needed a bike. We thought he would be in a car only mission from the way things were worded in his call and from what we had heard of other missionaries serving there. This was a surprise. Not a welcomed one for Stockton I'm sure. He hasn't ridden a bike in a long time. I hope all goes well there. It was nice to hear his voice. I sure do love him.

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