Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Gila Valley

Hallie & Jorja outside the Draper Temple
I don't know why Jorja likes to take pictures of half of her face. Jorja had a date today with Ben. They went and saw a movie and went had Mexican food. Jorja had a great time. I really like Ben. He goes to Jordan, but took drivers ed with Jorja at Corner Canyon. They have known each other a long time, but I'm not really sure how they met. They are both goofballs.
Ben & Jorja
Ben & Jorja singing their song 'Hunk of Tin'
After dinner Ben dropped off Jorja at Chuck-a-Rama where we were waiting for her. Scoop and Cori took everyone to dinner. Jorja was late, but better late than never I guess. It was fun to be together with everyone that could make it. We haven't gone out to dinner together in a long time. Years and years. I don't think we've done that since Mike and I moved back to Utah.

We got an email from Stockton! It actually came yesterday, but I didn't see it until this morning. He was letting us know he made it and his first area will be Gila Valley. He doesn't know who his new companion will be yet though. He said he really likes his mission president, so that's great. I was sad we didn't get an email with a picture from them. Most of my friends received one from their kids. While we were at dinner Mike got an email from Bishop Waddoups. They sent the picture to him! He forwarded it to us. Yay! I love seeing him. He looks so happy. I hope he has a great first area.
Sister Browning, Elder Stockton Smith, President Browning

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