Saturday, April 6, 2019

80 Years Old

Today would be Grandma Honey's 80th birthday. Wow! I can't even imagine. We didn't celebrate her birthday this year like we have in the past. Mike did call his dad and talk to him awhile. We talked with the kids about it, but we didn't get KFC and have a picnic by her grave like we usually do. We should have tried to do that though.

Today started General Conference. I love conference so much! It is so peaceful to listen to the leaders of the church. I started working on a stocking for Marie. I texted Rachel my progress after each session.
1st session
 2nd session
 Priesthood session
Maysen was home with us and Jorja had asked for work off. She did work during the priesthood session though. We were missing Stockton, but it was nice to know he was doing the exact thing we were. I bet he loved Uchdorf's talk today. Missionary work and how members can help. My favorite talk was during the priesthood session. I had been praying hard about two things. One was how I should handle Jorja. Am I parenting right? Am I too overprotective? I had a friend tell me that I should let her fall, but I don't feel good about that. I know she is going to fall, but shouldn't I warn her about the edge of the cliff? The talk I loved was "Where Will This Lead" by President Dallin H. Oaks. It was awesome. I loved how it talked about consciously thinking about the result throughout your life. When he told the story about the squirrel playing on the tree with a dog lurking nearby, I felt like that was an answer to my prayer. Students were watching but none of them warned the squirrel about the dog until it was too late. I feel like Mike and I are the students, but we are frantically waving our hands and shouting at the squirrel warning it about the dog. Anyway, I felt like even though Mike and I might not handle everything with Jorja perfectly, we are on the right path. At least we are trying hard. I'm looking forward to conference tomorrow. My favorite weekend of the year.

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