Friday, April 5, 2019


Today was a great day! So much better than the last couple of days. Jorja didn't complain at all about not having her phone. I loved that. Jorja, Preston and I went to a movie. We saw Shazam! Jorja had asked me a few weeks ago if we could see this over Spring Break. The two of us spent a lot of time watching Chuck while she was sick. We watched the entire thing except the last episode and a half. We really should just power through that one. Anyway, Chuck is the main character in Shazam! so Jorja wanted to see it with me. That made me so happy! Anyway, we had a great time at the movie. Jorja's review: It was good and a bit scary, I can't believe how many little kids were there. I would be terrified if I saw this when I was that little... We stopped by Zupas and then hurried home so Jorja could get to work. Maysen came home today! Yay! Mike, Maysen, Preston and I all went to Black Bear Diner. In honor of Maysen working with baby black bears. I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but Maysen was given the opportunity to help rehabilitate orphaned baby black bears. There are two cubs. She wasn't sure if she would be able to interact with them, but she got to bottle feed them while they climbed all over her. She had the time of her life and sounded so happy when we talked to her about it! She'll get to do that a few more times as well. Awesome!
Preston & Maysen
Quackletta has been sitting on her nest in our front room. Today she flew into the window. Whoops. Preston and I ran to help her. She went potty everywhere. She was trying to get outside to go to the bathroom. What a sweet duck! Mike has now moved her back outside. Hopefully she is over her traumatic near death experience. Poor little duck.

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