Sunday, April 14, 2019

More Bears

These are the pictures Maysen sent me yesterday of her working with the bears. She says their claws are getting sharper and they are biting more. She was bleeding after she left today. Ummmm. Kind of scary for a mom, but I'm glad she's happy.
The neighbor's dog broke through our fence on Friday, then again today. Luckily on Friday Mike saw the dog running across the yard and was able to get out there super quick. Today he got into the duck pen again. We could see where the boards were moved. Friday we gave them a board to nail where it was broken, the dog broke through a different spot today. Mike called the owner, again. This time this college age kid broke through our fence. Ummmm. How is this going to keep the dog out of our yard? He was kind of a jerk about it too. He told Mike that the homeowners policy says that you can't have farm animals on your property. Soooo, our ducks are more bothersome than a giant dog that terrorizes the neighborhood? Mike was fuming. He wishes he would have mentioned how we have been very tolerant as neighbors. We never called animal control when Malone was always in our yard. We didn't press charges when they lit off illegal fireworks and burned our tree and electrical socket. We never call the police to complain about their loud parties they have all the time. Super loud. Hard to sleep loud. All we want is for them to keep their dog out of our yard. Not sure how this giant hole in the fence is going to help with that.
We had dinner at Matt and Sam's house today. It was nice to have a break from having it at our house. I have gotten a little burned out lately. Anne sent a message to Jorja and asked if she could bring her nail polish. The little girls love it when she paints their nails.
Jorja, Jeff, Anne, Abby
 Jeff wanted his nails painted too! Hahahaha!
We left early so we could work on Jorja's campaign posters. Mike and I picked them up from Sam's Club yesterday. The printer at the school is broken and Sam's Club was the cheapest we could find. It used up her entire budget though. Usually she has three posters and three shirts. She isn't going to be able to do the shirts this year. Disappointed with that, but as of now she is running unopposed, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

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