Saturday, April 13, 2019


Gavin & Jorja ~ my favorite picture from prom
First, news about Maysen. She took her final psychology test for her bachelors degree. She scored 178/200, which was the 91st percentile of people who have taken that test in the last five years. Her cognitive psych score was way above the mean. She scored a 92, the mean is between 42-66. Nicely done! She also got to work with the bears again today. I'm saving those pictures for another day so they won't get buried in the prom pictures.

Jorja had a busy day. They started the day at Boondocks. She had a great time and even won a giant ball from the claw machine. They went to Costa Vida after.
Gavin & Jorja 
Cori set us up with her daughter-in-law to do her hair. It looked beautiful! This is Glen's wife. Glen is in Afghanistan. He's been there for a long time. Almost a year. They have a baby that is walking around, but she was three months when he left. Deployments stink.
Jorja looked so beautiful. She had a great time at the dance. The place was a little crowded though. Still, she was so glad to have this experience. After the dance they went back to Gavin's house and watched Spy Kids. Odd choice. She was exhausted when she got home. Man, these dances sure take up the entire day!
Gavin & Jorja ~ never realized how horrible our lighting is
 Jorja has tiny wrists. We put a rubber band around it and it worked like a charm.
 Gavin & Jorja
 Mike helping out. 
 Gavin & Jorja
Gavin's dad took the pictures. The rest of the group changed the location at the last minute. Gavin didn't notice his message until it was too late. They didn't get any group pictures, but the pictures here with the mountains in the background turned out better than the others in their group. 
Gavin & Jorja
 Jorja's prize ball
 I love this one.
 This one is my favorite though. I put it here twice.
 Jorja thought it was funny he answered his phone during pictures.
Jorja got back pretty late. She kept me informed as to where she was, so I felt better. Still, it was nice to hear the door open. I always feel better when my children are home.

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