Thursday, May 30, 2019


Jorja got in trouble in theater today. It is frustrating because I tried to pull Jorja out of that class at the beginning of the semester. Jorja and I talked to Strucks for a long time about it. Jorja was so sick and theater was at the end of the day. Jorja was completely exhausted by the time she got to her class. I was hoping I could get her into some kind of study hall class. The district started counting digital photography as an art credit, so Jorja didn't need the last semester anyway. Strucks told her to stay in her class and drop out of Region and State. She told Jorja she could just sleep in the back and she would understand when most teachers wouldn't. Well, it didn't turn out that way. Jorja said Stucks was only nice to her when I was around. She was not sympathetic to Jorja at all. Jorja texted me on Tuesday and said, "I'm so sick of movies!" She sent that in theater and that was the only text she sent. Strucks got super mad at her for that. Today Jorja needed to go to the bathroom. Strucks let her leave. She went to get a drink of water. We couldn't find her water bottle this morning. Ever since she got sick, when she doesn't get enough water she goes downhill fast. So, she got some water because she felt herself sliding. On her way back to class one of her friends walked with her. Strucks came out and saw Jorja walking back to class with someone. She lit into her. Yelled at her to just leave. Jorja went back to class. Strucks dropped her grade to an A- for this. Jorja said she just never wanted to deal with her again. That is sad. Strucks was originally her advisory teacher before Jorja got into student government. I was so excited for this. I thought she would be perfect for her. I guess I was wrong.

Conner brought Jorja home from school for the last time today. He likes to honk his horn while she walks to the door. He honked for a long time today. She came in laughing. She said the entire ride home she just kept saying, "This is sad. This is so sad. I'm going to cry." over and over. She gave Conner a hug and tried to thank him, but her voice caught. End of an era right there. I can not believe he brought her home every other day for an entire school year. There is something special about that kid. Jorja said she is going to repay him by taking his little sister home every day next year. Good thing she likes his little sister!
On an unrelated note: Mike's contact is not doing great

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