Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Poor Mario

Mike caught two rats. Our neighbor's cat, Mario, wanted to play with them so bad! He sat and watched them, walked around their cages, pawed at the cages. It was pretty funny.
I went to the temple this morning. I missed the session just barely, so I did initiatories and a session. It was very peaceful. While I was waiting for the session I spent a lot of time working on my lesson. It is about signs of the second coming. My dad came over after I got back and worked with me on it for awhile too. Jorja stayed after school to work on decorations for Senior Dinner Dance. Luckily she was able to get a ride home with Taylor Johnson. That was nice because I didn't have to leave my dad. Jorja showed me this Venmo notification. She thought it was hilarious. Ben goes to a different school and she hasn't talked to him for awhile. He randomly sent this to her. Haha. It is true, he did introduce Spencer to her.
Jorja's new phone came in the mail today. Her old one has been glitchy lately. She wanted a phone with a good camera to take to Taiwan. Mike and I paid for 1/3 of her phone and she paid for the rest. She must have really wanted it because that cost her a pretty penny.
Sherry came over and brought me clothes. Yay! I love it when Sherry does that. She drove Miah's new car. This cute black jeep. Hopefully Jorja and Miah can go on fun adventures in that!
Miah's car

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