Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Jorja did her TED talk today in English class. She said it went better than she thought it would. She was first. She did not want to be first. It ended up being good though. She was not nervous when she gave it and she thinks she would have been if she would have had more time to think about it. Glad that is over with though!
Random picture of Spencer
That picture is the only one I have for today. That was too weird, so I took a screenshot of a conversation I had with Mike. Well, Mike was the only one texting. I guess I am still on the missionary committee. I wasn't aware of that. We were sent a message saying to meet at the church to get flyers about our ward dutch oven event. I was the first one there. Well, it ended up being just me, the Elders Quarum presidency and the ward mission leader. Also, the flyers had not been printed, so we waited while a slow printer spit them out. I was given two streets to put the flyers on. Anyway, my phone was on silent and when I looked at it this is what I saw:
Oh Mike! I did tell him where I was going, he just forgot. And didn't realize it would take me that long. I didn't realize that either. After we put Preston to bed, Mike walked around with me and we got all the flyers delivered. It was a lot, but we had a nice walk and the weather was perfect.

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