Sunday, May 19, 2019


Jorja did her dance post on Instagram. I got a kick out of her photoshopping. She cracks me up. I was too lazy to crop them, so.....
Mike is so happy with his ducks. He has a camera set up in their house and checks on them all the time. He sent me this picture.
Quacky Chan and Quackletta enjoying their front porch
 Mike has also been catching rats that like to eat the duck food and pond liner
We had dinner today with Steve Lovell. He was a high counselor speaking in Jordyn's singles ward. She went up to him after and said, "I think we're related." Yep. Uncle Ray's son, I think. Anyway he invited us over for dinner. They are doing remodeling on their house, so I wasn't able to invite my brothers. Heather had already invited her brothers before she found out, so they left their kids home. It was so fun to be with my family. I just love them.
Nathan, Bobby, Devin, Jordyn, Steve's daughter, Stephanie, Heather, Maysen, Steve, Preston, Jorja, Mike

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