Monday, May 20, 2019

Twenty-Three Years

I hate May 20th. I always will. I especially hate it when it is on a Monday. My mom died on May 20th. On a Monday. For some reason when it is a Monday the memories of that day are more vivid. I went to Alta today to be trained on how to proctor the make-up AP tests. It was super easy, so that was nice. Jorja was at lunch when I was leaving. I went to say hi, then started crying. My mom died at lunchtime. I think I was talking to Jorja at the exact time my mom died 23 years ago. Have I mentioned how much I hate cancer? I stopped by Zaos and picked up some food and then went to my mom's grave. Her grave is looking slanted for some reason. There was a lot of dirt over my name. I tried to get it off with my fingers. I knew I needed to go back. Luckily Bubs came down and he brought her flowers and weeded around her stone. It looks so much better!

I did get to talk to Stockton today. That is the best!!! He is really liking his new companion Elder Alia. He switches off from riding a bike and riding in a car. Week by week. That will be a lot nicer. I wonder how he will enjoying biking in the Arizona summer. Stockton is also super excited to have a washer and dryer in his apartment. His last one he had to bike with his laundry on his back to the other Elders' apartment. He will not miss that at all!

Mike is still super happy with his ducks. Quackletta has an official nest. She is always on it except for two short breaks during the day.
 Visiting duck, Quackletta & Quacky Chan

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