Sunday, June 16, 2019

Baby Octopus

Happy Father's Day! Today was pretty low-key. Mike wanted tacos for dinner, so that was easy. I had ideas for gifts for him, but he ended up wanting to get things to work on his wand stations again. So, he picked out his own gifts and I didn't understand anything he bought. He's excited about it though.

Jorja ate a baby octopus. She said it was gross. Her eyes also got puffed up from an allergic reactions to something, not sure what. I've lost the picture with her way puffy eyes. Maybe some things are best not remembered. Jorja is roommates with a girl named Nicole. They are staying with Christine's family, I think. She will be with them for one week before they move Jorja to a different host family.  Christine's family has a dog, maybe that is what happened to Jorja's eyes? Here are random pictures I was able to snag.
 Jorja & Nicole
 Nicole & Jorja

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