Monday, June 17, 2019

No Chicken

I dropped Preston off at his math class then headed straight for the gym. I brought my phone in with me in case I was lucky enough to get a call or some kind of communication from Jorja. We haven't heard much from her. Just that she had an allergic reaction and lost her debit card again. Luckily someone named Jeff found it. There is WiFi in only one spot at the house Jorja is staying at. It is at the kitchen table. When she is there she doesn't want to be on the phone, thank goodness. It is totally weird not having communication from her though. Anyway, while I was on the treadmill I did get a picture from Kelsey from student government cap. She sent me a picture of the Jorja doll with a different school. Look at Jorja, making friends from other schools already.
Lehi student government with Jorja doll
Preston has been getting coupons after his four hour math class. He decided to use the one for an ice cream cone at Chick-Fil-A today. Wow! I've never seen it so backed up. Still get through the line pretty fast though.
Stockton sent me a message and asked if I could add him to Slack. We got that taken care of and Stockton sent us messages on Slack for awhile. I was able to message him along with Mike and Preston. So much fun! I also got to talk to him on the phone later in the day. I talked to him for a long time today. It was awesome. We finished talking when we were at the park for Mike's family picnic. Scoop and Cori brought all the food. Mike's been going here for years and years, before I even met him. They always have Kentucky Fried Chicken. Preston had been looking forward to that. Scoop and Cori brought tacos. Preston was so disappointed and didn't hide it well. Luckily Mike was able to beg chicken off of another family. They laughed and said their dad made that mistake once and it didn't go over always needs to be chicken. Not just any chicken, but Kentucky Fried Chicken. Anyway, it was fun. After we ate we played human foosball. Man, that ball hurt! Wish I hadn't worn sandals though. It was really fun. Maysen and Preston played with these giant beach balls. They were able to balance on them. Haha! They are so cute together!
Smith family picnic
Preston, Maysen and a ball

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