Sunday, June 23, 2019

Big Boy Shrimp

Elizabeth and Audrey came to church with us today. It was awesome! It was nice to see Audrey there with her mom. Today was Relief Society, which was super nice because then I was able to go there with Elizabeth. The three of us walked home together. It was so beautiful outside!
Our house
Jorja called this morning and I got to talk to her for a whole two minutes! She has officially moved to Mia's house and is having a great time. I don't get hardly any communication, but I have a feeling these two are a lot alike. At least I hope they are. Rachel told me she was Jorja's Taiwanese twin. I can see that. Jorja sent me a text later in the day with this picture saying she was eating 'big boy shrimp'. Yikes! I would struggle with that!
Big boy shrimp
 Jorja & Mia

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