Monday, June 24, 2019

Preston Passed!

Mike took the week off of work. We wanted to take a quick trip to Yellowstone, but it has been hard to plan because of Preston's math. We were able to sign him up to take his test on the first day it was offered, which was great. We just didn't know if he would pass. We assumed he would, but it wasn't a certainty. He would get one more chance to retake the test, but would have to wait 24 hours and would have to sign up again. There might not be any slots until Thursday. This morning I dropped him off for his tests, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. While Preston was busy with math, Mike and I were busy getting things ready for the trip. I got the kids beds all set up and Mike replaced the skylight in the shower.
I didn't need to worry because Preston passed! Yay! Preston doesn't need to take 7th grade math. It is so good to have that over with. It was a lot of work for Preston, but I'm glad he did it. Mike took us to the new IHOP to celebrate. I sent this picture to Jorja. This is her favorite thing to get at IHOP.
 Not too crowded today.
Speaking of Jorja, she is having a great time in Taiwan. She said it would be really hard if she didn't get along with the other nine kids in the group, but they have loved being together. Yay!
 Mia ~ Jorja's host sister
I was able to talk to Stockton today. He is still companions with Elder Alia and was very happy about that. Elder Alia is the new district leader as well. When the next six weeks are over, Stockton will have been companions with Elder Alia for half of his mission! I'm glad they get along so well. Being able to talk to Stockton once a week is awesome. Best policy change ever!

Mike and I were able to get everything ready for our trip. We plan on leaving early tomorrow. Maysen and Preston are sleeping outside. We aren't leaving crazy early like we would when we would drive from Georgia to Utah, just regular early. Only a few things to do in the morning. That will be nice.

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