Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Grizzlies and Wolves

I texted Jorja back and forth early this morning. She said she misses home and three weeks is too long. She is having a great time, she just misses us. She also misses her friends. She gets worried that everyone forgets her when she isn't around. I told her that if it made her feel any better, we were leaving for Yellowstone in a few minutes so she wouldn't be home anyway. Funny, that did make her feel better. Haha!

Mike and I were able to get out the door close to schedule. Mike drove all the way to Montana. We stayed at Yellowstone Grizzly RV Park. We got there right at 1:00, which was check in time. Couldn't plan that any better! Mike loved this park. He said it was his favorite RV park we have stayed in. After we got everything set up we walked over to this rope corse thing we could see. We decided to come back tomorrow and get an all day pass. We walked to the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center and got a two day pass there. Maysen loved it. They had bears, wolves, critters, hawks and eagles. All of these animals couldn't survive in the wild. They had stories about what had happened to each one. Some were fed too early by humans, others were shot, others hit by cars and one eagle had brain damage from lead poisoning. It was cool to see the animals close up. They were doing bear proof container testing when we were there. That was fun to watch. This bear was relentless getting to the fish that was inside this cooler thing. That cooler didn't stand a chance!
Maysen and the bear hard at work
 Uinta Ground Squirrels 
 Successful bear
The victims
 Mike & Stephanie
Preston got to go into the bear cage and hide food. You had to be 12 or under, he barely made the cut! Preston stuck his between rocks and then pulled a log on top of it.
Preston in the bear cage
 Searching for the food
 It was funny watching all the ravens show up to get the bear scraps
 Preston loved them
 Preston at the gift shop
 Masyen and Preston ~ now that's a large bear!
We walked to a pizza place for dinner and then had frozen yogurt on the way home. The town is a cute little tourist town. It has lots of little souvineer shops. We didn't get anything today. We had a nice walk home and then crashed in bed. Well, Mike and I crashed in bed. Maysen and Preston stayed up for awhile giggling about something or other. I love them. Oh, one more thing! I got the coolest message when we were doing family scripture study. A random lady from Tucson texted me these pictures and said, "Elder Smith came over this evening and taught our girls a lesson with connect 4! Best lesson ever!!!! He's a very nice young man." How cool was that???
Elder Alia, Elder Smith, two Tucson girls

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