Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Stockton is in Arizona, Jorja is in Taiwan, and the rest of us are in Montana. Today was a great day. We went to the rope course and spent a lot of time on that. The rope course was pretty cool. You had to transfer to different ropes, but you were always locked in. I followed Preston around. Some of the transfer stations were just a bit out of his reach. Mike followed around Maysen. This spider thing we went on was a lot more scary than it looked! I hurt my shoulder jumping from one thing on the top level though. That hurt the rest of the day. I am old. We ate at some cool shops in town and got some fun candy as we left. I was tempted to buy a box of Necco chocolate wafers. They would be so cool for gingerbread houses! Won't be able to get those anymore. It would have cost me $40, so I didn't go for it. Mike and Maysen hung out in the grizzly and wolf place for a little while. We met them there for the bird show. The cool bird show was yesterday, but we missed that. This was more of an informational show. Maysen still loved it. We went back to the rope course because we had an all day pass. Too bad there was thunder. We had to wait for an hour to see if it would clear. While we were waiting we headed back to town. Maysen picked out a Yellowstone jacket that she is quite happy with. We found these awesome light hats that will be perfect for night sledding at the cabin. While I was holding the hats, in walks my friend from high school! Susan Smith! Susan Stokes now. I haven't seen her for over twenty years! She actually contacted me a few months ago and we were hoping to get together for lunch, but haven't done it yet. How funny to see her in Montana! I talked to her for awhile and it was awesome. Too bad I didn't get a picture. So fun. Anyway, when we left Mike and Preston were a bit ahead of us. Maysen and I found this fun hotel that we walked around for awhile. Very old. We got back to the rope course to find it closed. Mike was so disappointed. The lady told us that if they didn't reopen we could come back tomorrow. We were planning on packing up, driving through Yellowstone and heading out the South exit. That way we could stop by the cabin on the way home. Mike wants to come back here tomorrow. We'll see what we end up doing. We have no plans, so whatever happens will be fine.
 Mike & Maysen

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