Friday, June 7, 2019


I went to Idaho today with Maysen and Preston. We got there just in time for dinner. We are staying at the Duck Cabin. We are here for my family reunion. In the first time in YEARS we aren't doing it at Lagoon. We are having the reunion at Steve and Sharon's lodge. They closed the entire thing down (minus the RV part) for us. They are amazing. Anyway, we got there in time for a delicious dinner. I got to hang out with Heather and Courtney which was really fun. We were really cold during the night though because I could not find the heater. It was super obvious in the morning though. Whoops!

Mike stayed behind with Jorja. She had student government all day long today and tomorrow. She is missing camp, so she didn't want to miss this. Yesterday I saw a text exchange between Jorja and Madison. She said she thought she would be home alone. I showed her the messages and laughed and laughed and laughed. No way would we let Jorja stay by herself. She is cute for thinking that though. Anyway, I got a few pictures from Jorja. She had the best time. They got their new student government shirts and their hats. She likes the shirts a lot better than last year. She hated those! Well, the long sleeve one wasn't bad, but the other one looked awful on the girls. The black shirt they have this year has a '21 embroidered on the shirt. Well, the juniors have that. Pretty fancy. Their hats are super cute. Jorja loves hers. She got a hat her freshman year too, that one was a cap.

 Bode & Jorja
The juniors started the prom planning. I got a text from Jorja when I was at a gas station in Pocatello. She said, "They liked my prom thing! I don't know if they will end up choosing it, but they so far that is everyone's favorite!" Her idea for the theme was the song When You Say Nothing at All. I sung that song to everyone of my babies when I put them to bed. Every night. I love that song. I hope they keep that.
I laughed and laughed when Jorja showed me Annie's picture. The school is tearing down the commons. The kids will have to eat lunch in the gym all year. That will be annoying. The dances will also be in the gym. Jorja is not happy about that. I wonder what it is going to look like. The commons looks just like I remember when I went to Alta. Anyway, this 'Last Supper' picture is so funny. Especially with Gage as Jesus. I sent this picture to Stockton and he laughed and laughed.

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