Thursday, June 6, 2019


Today was pretty much a recovery day. All of us were up super late. Preston had his 'stay up all night night' yesterday. I was surprised to find him in his bed when I got home. Usually I find them in random spots in the house when I let them stay up all night. Jorja slept until noon. She went out to breakfast with Brynlee and Chloee. She also texted Packer because student government is supposed to be meeting tomorrow and she hadn't heard anything. She didn't know if it was because she wasn't going to camp that she didn't know. Nope. Dallen was supposed to text them a week ago with the details. He texted about an hour after this. Jorja was frustrated. She's worried she is not going to know what is going on the entire year. Hopefully Dallen will figure it out and get better at giving them information. If it does stay like this all year it is going to be so hard for Jorja. Letting the control go is going to be hard. Good luck to her!

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