Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Class of 2019

Jorja left early to take the bus to graduation. She had me write her a note that I would take her home because the bus was planning on leaving right after they put away their flags. She wouldn't be able to watch graduation! She was sad about that. Luckily they changed their mind and she was able to stay. I drove up to see her. She said I was crazy because she was just walking in and holding a flag, then walking out. I told her that I only have two more years with her and I am going to be to every teeny tiny thing that I can before she leaves me. I found a spot in the back which was perfect for me. I watched Jorja, listened to the first few speakers and snuck out before too long. Jorja had a great time. She was able to get a lot of pictures with her friends who will be graduating. She loved that.
Jorja & Conner ~ I love this picture
 Conner & Jorja ~ I'm glad you can see her face in this one though
Jorja is wearing Kassie's student government jacket. Jorja doesn't have her jacket anymore because she had to turn it in to get her new office embroidered on the back. Kassie is a senior and let Jorja use her jacket. The dress Jorja is wearing is also Kassie's.
Cade & Jorja
 Braque & Jorja
 Jorja & Luke
 Ian & Jorja
 Jorja & Tally
  Oh how she has loved these girls!
Maggie, Aysha, Bella, Mia, Jessi, Kassie, Abbey, Elle, Jorja, Autumn, Alex, Ellie
 Aysha, Ellie, Kassie, Mia, Jessi, Alex
Bella, Maggie, Abbey, Autumn, Jorja
 Jorja & Autumn
 Jorja & Alex
 Elle, Jessie, Jorja
 Carter, Aysha, Jessie, Anderson, Sam, Luke, Autumn, Justice
Alex, Ellie, Jorja, Bella
 With two important guys wearing hats
Jorja took some videos of her friends graduating. Here are the senior class officers. The other videos she took were too long. As were the ones I took of Jorja with the flags.
Jorja rode the bus home and then took the freshman officers out to lunch. She came home, took a nap, then started getting ready for the Pepperwood party. She talked Brynlee and Chloee into coming, even though they go to Riverton. Jorja, Brynlee, Chloee and Madison all got ready at our house. Kylie called and asked if she and Kelsey could get ready at our house too. Kylie is the head cheerleader and Kelsey will be the new head cheerleader. Jorja didn't know Kelsey, but she and Kelsey hit it off right away. Yay! Jorja said her favorite part of the night was getting ready. Haha!
Chloee, Madison, Brynlee, Jorja
 Kylie & Kelsey
I was a chaperone from midnight to 3 am. Mike wasn't able to come. They had a major problem at work and he wasn't able to get away. Even though he wasn't looking forward to this, I think he would have rather been here than dealing with what he had to do. There were way too many people here. They ran out of wristbands, then they ran out of tickets. People still kept coming. From everywhere. We met people who came down from Heber. Jorja didn't like it. I never saw her. She left a little after I arrived for my shift. She said she was getting bad vibes. She went with Brynlee and Chloee to Spencer's house and they watched a movie. Not sure what it was, but they didn't get home until the party was over. The three girls slept out in the motorhome. Jorja was happy Brynlee and Chloee were able to stay.

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