Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Jorja went to graduation practice today. She said she did not do a good job with the flags. She was horrible at it. I doubt that. She did have to spend most of the morning making sure the flag didn't touch the ground.
Today was yearbook day, which is always a fun day. Jorja laughed when she saw what Ian wrote. He said, "While I rarely come to church, you will always be my incentive to come." She showed that to Darby and he said, "Well, that's the truth!" Haha! My favorite messages were from older siblings to Jorja. The ones where they thanked her for being so kind to their younger siblings. I love that. I love that the older kids recognized she was looking out for the younger ones. I love that about Jorja. We both rolled our eyes when we saw what Traven wrote her. He took up an entire page, but at the very end he said, "#First kiss as a 16 year old" Really? He's putting that in there? Jorja said the weird thing is that half a year later, the kiss didn't ruin her and Conner's friendship, but it ruined her friendship with Traven. She just couldn't trust him after that and was kind of scared of him. Too bad because they were such good friends.
Emily & Jorja
Student government had their end of the year party today. It was a swim party at Brooklyn's house. Jorja had a great time. She loves these kids. She is going to miss the seniors terribly. I'm grateful she will have the chance to be in student government again next year. I hope her bond with the girls is just as strong as it was this year. She adored them.
Jorja & Braque
 Kassie & Jorja ~ I HATE this trend of sticking tongues out.
I tell Jorja all the time she looks ridiculous doing this. Yet, she still does it.
 Tally & Jorja
 Sam & Jorja
 Cade & Jorja
 Jorja & Isaiah
Luke, Tally, Sam, Taylor, Noah
Justice, Alex, Chloe, Bode, Kylie, Maggie, Luke, Isaiah, Traven, Cade
Jorja, Bella, Ellie, Abbey, Brooklyn
Mia, Aysha, Kassie, Kenedy, Jessi
Baylor, Autumn, Elle, Braque
 Jessi, Noah, Abbey, Alex, Jorja, Kylie, Kassie, Brooklyn
Preston went to a baseball game for young mens. Mike went with him. They were troopers. Neither of them like baseball as much as I do....or at all....they had great seats though.
It was dark when Mike and Preston got home. They went out to put the ducks away. They couldn't find Quackletta. They searched and searched for her and found her in our pool. She had drowned. It was so sad. Mike brought her in and I couldn't even bear to take a picture of her. Mike was devastated. He was so upset he didn't put Quackletta in her house before he left to the baseball game. Jorja came home from Kassie's house to find Mike holding Quackletta in the kitchen. They all got a chance to hold her and say goodbye. So, so, so, so sad.

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