Monday, June 3, 2019

Last Day of School

Today was Jorja's last real day of school. It was her last day in student government for this year and that made her sad. She has loved student government, especially the girls.
Abbey, Jessi, Brooklyn, Mia, Autumn, Ellie, Elle, Kassie, Maggie, Jorja, Raychel, Kylie, Kenedy, Aysha
 Raychel, Jorja, Jessi
Jorja found out today that she gets to carry the flags at graduation. The Las Scelles team usually does that, but I guess they aren't going to have a team next year. That was weird. I remember them when I went to Alta. Anyway, they asked student government to volunteer. Of course Jorja was all over that. She loves anything to do with student government. She was also planning on going to graduation anyway. Conner is speaking and many of her friends are graduating. Now she has a reason to go instead of just because she wanted to. She also gets to ride the bus, which makes me happy. I was nervous letting her drive that far. Graduation will be at UVU down in Orem. Driving South on the freeway makes me more nervous than driving North. Lots of skinny lanes and construction.

I had to check Jorja out of school for an eye appointment. We really need to get her a new prescription before she goes to Taiwan. Today was the first day we could go where we met the year mark for insurance. Jorja has been complaining about her eyes for a couple of months. She says she can't see anything. So, when the doctor came in and looked at the preliminary results from the machine, he said, "It looks like your eyes haven't changed much." Jorja looked at me and mouthed, "He's wrong." The doctor then began to do a more indepth examination. Soon he said, "Wow, I was wrong. They have changed a lot." One eye went from a -2.5 to a -3.0, the other from a -2.25 to a -2.75 I think. No wonder Jorja has been struggling with her school work. I wish her eyes didn't change so fast.
Hailey & Jorja
Jorja had to work today. 5:00 until close. She got home at 11:30. When she works that long she gets one thirty minute break. Well, they asked her to take her break at 5:01. Ridiculous. They don't like the kids taking breaks when it gets close to closing because there is a ton of stuff to do, but come on!

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