Sunday, June 2, 2019


I taught today. It went okay. Despite the fact that the fire alarm went off during my lesson. We ended up finishing it outside. I studied hard for this one, but ended up teaching something completely different. The kids paid attention though, so that's a win. Ian came to church today. I saw him walk in and knew he would be looking for Jorja. I walked with him to the Sunday school class and knocked on the window. Jorja came out and gave Ian the biggest hug. They ended up talking for two hours after church. Jorja is fearless and so kind.

We had family dinner at Matt and Sam's today. We brought apple cider and it was delicious. It is nice getting together and someone else's house once in awhile. A lot less stressful on us! It was easier for Sam too. Hopefully Bubs and Ange will be able to come to the next dinner though.

Mike wants to give Jorja's old phone to Preston and have Preston use Stockton's phone number while he is on his mission. I think it's crazy for Preston to have a phone this young, but Mike really wants to save Stockton's number for him. If we are going to be paying for it, we might as well be using it. Everything transferred to Jorja's new phone except her texts. I went through a lot of them and took screenshots of some she might want to save. My absolute favorite texts were the ones between her and Stockton. Here are a few of them, in random order. These two crack me up!

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