Saturday, June 1, 2019

Lagoon with Friends

Megan Okerlund and I went exercising this morning. She picked me up and it was wonderful. Exercising with a friend makes it so much better. Plus, I love Megan. She is awesome!

Jorja spent the day at Lagoon with friends. Hailey and Chloee were supposed to come too, but Hailey was sick and Chloee got in a car accident yesterday. She's okay, but not good enough to go to an amusement park. Luckily Brynlee (her twin) was still able to come. Here are random pictures Jorja took.
Jorja & Brynlee
 Jorja & Drew
 Spencer & Jorja
 Jorja thought this panorama picture was so funny
She cropped it to just her and Brynlee
They now use this picture for about everything. Like they will send the picture with a caption, "When Jorja takes a test" They think this picture will work for any situation, so they use it ALL.THE.TIME.

Spencer played a soccer game and won a Minecraft character. He gave it to Jorja. It matched the character Brynlee had in her pocket. Jorja has named him Clyde. Not sure if Brynlee's has a name or not.
Drew ~ posing like a peacock
 Spencer & Jorja
Jorja texted me around 7:30 and said they were ready to leave Lagoon, but wanted to know if she could hang out at Spencer's house. I told her to be home by 11:00 and not one minute later. After we finished the details I started to wonder if it was just Jorja going to Spencer's house, or if everyone was going there. That got me worried. Well, turns out it was just Jorja. Brynlee had to get home and Drew asked to be dropped off. They went with a few other people, but they had a separate ride. Spencer is the oldest of five and Jorja adores his younger siblings. The first time she hung out with Spencer it was with his entire family. So, at least the two of them weren't alone. After awhile they decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. Jorja asked one of the younger brothers if he wanted to come and watch with them. That made me so happy. She is learning! Also, Spencer's parents came down and watched the movie with them. That made me happy again. She got home right at 11:00. Spencer walked her to the door. Preston was looking out the window. It was pretty funny. 

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