Sunday, June 9, 2019

Last Day

We headed home today. Mike took Jorja and Preston home after breakfast. They brought the jeep up without the top on and were quite cold when they got here. I bundled up the kids for the ride home. Jorja was in the back and I had her covered in blankets. She said she froze on the way home. They listened to conference the entire way, which was nice since we weren't able to go to church. I have been after Jorja all year to do her online class. She always gets annoyed with me and says she is fine and ahead of schedule. I asked her this morning if she was going to be able to get it done before she left to Taiwan. She was surprised and said no. I about died. It has to be done before she leaves. She was shocked and said she had no idea. That is sooooo frustrating because I have been telling her for weeks it needed to be finished before she leaves. How could she not process that information? Anyway, that is why Mike took Jorja and Preston home so early this morning. It kind of hurts because I would really like them to get to know my family. It has been hard without my mom to keep a connection, but I wish my kids would realize how important this is to me and try when they have the opportunity.

At least Maysen stayed with me. She played with Jeff for awhile while Matt and Sam were packing up. They went to church with Sam's sister who lives nearby.
Jeff & Maysen
I played another game of Canadian Salad with John & Renee, Heather & Josh, Derek & Kendra, and Devin. I won by a long shot. It was awesome. Soon, Maysen and I were on the road. We had an uneventful drive home, which was great. This weekend went by pretty fast, but I'm so thankful for Steve and Sharon for putting this together. I loved it.

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