Monday, June 10, 2019

Preston's in Summer School

Preston started his summer math class today. Four hours of math. He has two weeks (four days a week) of four hour math. The rest of the class is online. At the end is a final. If he scores over 80% he will get to skip seventh grade math. Preston's math teacher recommended this for him. I hope we don't regret it. The class is held at Mt. Jordan Middle School. Preston seemed to enjoy the first day. Which is weird because it is four straight hours of math.

Jorja had a date with a boy named Wesley today. She wanted to cancel because of her online class she needs to finish. I told her I didn't want her to cancel this one, she can cancel her date with Spencer tomorrow. I was worried if she cancelled with Wesley, he wouldn't have the courage to ask another girl out again. I know Spencer (from her seminary class, not the one she has been going out a lot with recently) won't have that problem. Jorja was THRILLED when she saw Sami in the car. She was worried it would be awkward, but Sami makes everything better. They went to Bahama Bucks and the park. She came home happy and spent the rest of her day working on her class until it was time to go to work at Chick-Fil-A.
Jorja, Sami, Wesley
 Jorja, Hayden, Sami, Wesley
I also took Jorja to the dermatologist today. Her face has really started breaking out and she hates it. She was so annoyed because the dermatologist said to just keep doing what she is doing. Jorja takes very good care of her face. She washes it morning and night. She also takes the pills he has given her, so this acne is driving her crazy. Jorja is also super subconscious about the dark circles under her eyes. She has had them her entire life. We have talked to this dermatologist about them before and he gave us way expensive drops to use. It didn't help. So, today he starts pinching her skin just under her eyes and pulling it up. He showed me how the pigment wasn't dark when he pulled up. He said that usually you only see this in someone older. He asked if she had severe allergies. Nope, but her dad does. He told her she got this from him. Anyway, this is what the dermatologist wants to do. He wants to INJECT something into her cheeks, just below her eyes. She will have to do this for life. I'm so mad, because of what he said to her. He said, "Don't think of this as something cosmetic, think of this as fixing a defect." WHAT???? A DEFECT???? Way to make her more self conscious about the thing she is the most self conscious about in the world. I was fuming as we drove away. Jorja was in tears. She begged me to let her do this. She said this is the entire reason she wears makeup. Because of this and now her acne. Jorja is also terrified of needles. Not just a little bit, but a whole lot. She wasn't brave enough to get her ears pierced until six months ago. Now she wants to commit to getting a needle poked right below her eyes every six months for life? Plus, it's super expensive. Ahhhhhh!

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