Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Jorja studied all morning for her test. She needed a 94% to get an A. She got an 80%. Which is a B. I'm totally annoyed at myself for letting her drop out of this class to take ballroom last year. I have had to constantly nag her about it and she didn't get an A. I know she would have gotten an A if she took it when she was supposed to. She is an auditory and kinesthetic learner, so online classes aren't the best for her. Plus, this is only one quarter, she still has to take another one. Maybe I'll have her do it her senior year. That should be fun. Jorja keeps telling me it was worth it anyway, because this is where she became friends with Madison. While I think Madison is a great friend, I don't know if it was worth the year and a half of nagging I have had to endure.

Mike took today off. He found out he was out of vacation days. Like, he couldn't get anymore days because he had piled off too many. He has enough vacation days for six weeks. Obviously he wouldn't take off six weeks in a row. Anyway, he was home today and it was great. Mike takes Preston to Subway every Saturday. They call it 'Subway Saturday'. Original name, I know. Anyway, because of Idaho they weren't able to go last Saturday, so they went today. I went with them this time and Jorja met us there after her test. It was funny when Mike finally realized she was there.

Jorja worked from 2:00-close tonight. This will be her last night working before Taiwan. Now all she has to do is get ready. Oh boy, this is coming up quick!

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