Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Good-bye Friends

Preston went from four hours of math to the dentist. So, he's having a fantastic summer so far. Jorja studied for her online class again and caught up on sleep. She spent today saying good-bye to friends. She went with Hailey and Emily to Zupas and Michaels. She asked me if I knew where her overalls were and before I could answer she asked,"Are they in the freezer?" Yep! They were. Haha. Jorja got stuff at Michaels to make a Jorja doll. She is going to give it to Kelsey to take to student government camp since she can't be there. Haha.
 Jorja, Emily, Hailey
 Hailey & Jorja
We bought new bedding for Maysen and Jorja. Jorja was still in a crib when I bought her bedding last time. Jorja's stuff came on Monday, but Maysen's didn't arrive until today. Jorja's looks just like Maysen's, but she picked green. I hope they like it.
Jorja met Brynlee and Chloee around dinner time. They hung out in Riverton for awhile. Jorja met some of their friends and seemed to have a great time.
Chloee, friend, Brynlee, Jorja, friend
 Chloee, Brynlee, friend
friend, Jorja, friend
Jorja went straight from Brynlee and Chloee to pick up Spencer after work. They went to Leatherby's and got home later then I would have liked them to. I was exhausted, so I fell asleep before she got home. Mike knows I hate doing that. So, he was the one that was texting her asking where she was and telling her she needed to come home. Once she came inside, she woke me up and we talked for a few hours. The nice thing was, I wasn't annoyed or upset because I hadn't been waiting for her. It was nice to have Mike be the bad guy for once, and I got to just listen to all her stories. I liked that.
Jorja & Spencer

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