Thursday, June 13, 2019

Missing Wallet

Today was a LONG day! Jorja got up early to go take her online test again. It is proctored at the old Crescent View Middle School. She left, but sent me a text while she was still in the driveway asking if I could bring her her wallet. I couldn't find it. She came in and looked for about 45 minutes. No luck. She ended up going to the test with her passport to use as ID. She still didn't score 94%, but she was able to get her grade up to a B+. Oh well. Moving on.

Cori took Jorja shopping today. She asked if she could help get Jorja ready for Taiwan. We were in desperate need of a suitcase for her. Ours work okay, but they are kind of broken and temperamental. I didn't want Jorja to deal with that on her own. Jorja also needs to wear dresses the entire first week and we were hoping to get her one new dress. Well, Cori took her shopping all day long and bought her many, many things. It was more than she needed to do, but appreciated. Jorja sent me a few pictures from the dressing room. She looks adorable. I am loving the short length too!
While Jorja was shopping, I spent the entire day looking for her wallet. It had fallen off her keychain yesterday when she was with Emily and Hailey. She was in her car and noticed it was missing. She looked out the door and it was laying on the ground in the parking lot. She said she had been super careful with it since then. The last place she had it was at Leatherbys with Spencer. He had taken it so Jorja didn't pay. She knew he had given it back, but just could not find it anywhere. Jorja called Spencer this morning. He was at the church getting ready to leave to a Fathers and Sons trip to Moab. He went home and looked and couldn't find it. When Cori picked up Jorja she ran up there and looked in his driveway too, it wasn't there. I tore the house apart looking for that thing. I spent at least a good eight hours looking. I knew Jorja would still be able to go to Taiwan because she had her passport, but I couldn't bear the thought of her going without her debit card. I went to the bank to see if they could help me get her a new one fast. They couldn't. They gave me an ATM card she could use, but only at ATMs and there will be huge transaction fees. At least it's something. I called the credit card company to see if she could be added to my card and just take mine. Nope. I prayed and prayed all day long, but didn't feel any direction as to where to look. Cori brought Jorja home. Jorja left and went to Leatherbys to search the parking lot. She asked inside if they found it, she asked all around at other stores. She was on her hands and knees with Brynlee when I sent her this picture.
I was with Cori and talking through every place I had looked. I told her I wouldn't be surprised if it was in her room, even though I had searched there. Her room is a giant mess right now. Mike and I just moved her bed, and everything that was stashed under her bed is visible. Under her bed is perfect though. I had looked under her bed several times, but as I was talking with Cori and retracing my steps, I was in a different spot. I lifted up the bed skirt and saw it sitting there. I about died! I couldn't believe it! Jorja is the worst about making sure everything is off of her bed. She had folded clothes still on her bed. When she came home, she just put her wallet on her bed and slept with it there. It had fallen between the mattress and headboard, then eventually onto the floor under her bed. This picture makes it look like it stood out, but it was pretty camouflaged. Weird because I looked under the bed several times, and there was nothing there blocking my view, I just couldn't see it. Thank goodness we found it! I'm not going to be sending my daughter half a world a way with no way to get money! This was not how I wanted to spend my last day with Jorja though. Here is the picture Jorja sent back after I found her wallet.
Brynlee & Jorja
Jorja came home and we went out to one last family dinner together. Zupas. Preston was so funny on the way down there. He kept putting his arm around Jorja saying he was in 'Boy Training.' He would look at her and say, "Hey baby." Oh boy.
Preston & Jorja
Because we spent a long time looking for Jorja's wallet, we weren't able to get her Jorja doll done. We got it started though. Mike ironed on Jorja's face from the picture below to a pillow case. He also put the yarn Jorja got in the oven wrapped around some kind of peg to make it curly. Jorja laughed when she saw what the doll was looking like. She said it was creepy. She wanted to just draw a face with a marker. 
Soon to be Jorja doll
Brynlee came over and I took them shopping. We went to Scheels to get her a new wallet. I got her a lanyard to go with it. Hopefully she won't lose it in Taiwan! We went to Walmart to pick up a few last minute things as well. I accidentally went the wrong way leaving Walmart and we ended up driving by Chick-Fil-A. I stopped real quick and Jorja went in to say bye to the people there. Brynlee was able to let Chloee know she would be a little late to pick her up. Her car was still at our house.
Jorja & Brynlee
 Brynlee & Jorja
The second Brynlee left, Spencer and Collin came. They came through the garage with Jorja. The doorbell rang as soon as they got inside. It was Emily and Hailey. Man! When am I going to get a second with this girl? We still need to pack and it is already 10:00. The kids were downstairs. Jorja had her suitcases and all of her new clothes, which I wanted to look at with her. I could tell she was getting flustered. I asked everyone to come upstairs. They could get ice-cream if they wanted. I then told the boys they had ten more minutes then they needed to leave. The girls could stay. I was setting a timer. I know they wanted to stay longer, but I didn't want them here. I couldn't finish helping Jorja get ready with them here and I had already had a long day. I didn't feel bad one bit about kicking them out. They got to say good-bye to her, they didn't need to stay any longer. Once the timer rang I ushered them out the door.
Spencer & Jorja
As soon as the boys were gone, I made Jorja change clothes so I could wash what she was wearing. I knew she would want it in Taiwan. Jorja then tried on all the clothes Cori bought for me, Hailey and Emily. That would have been a big pain if the boys were still there. She was able to change right in front of us, which saved a lot of time. Hailey and Emily helped her a lot, which was perfect.
Emily, Jorja, Hailey
We still have some things to pack for tomorrow, but she is mostly ready to go. Ahhhhh! This is going to be a crazy adventure! It still seems unreal. I am going to miss this little girl.

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