Friday, June 14, 2019

She's Off!!!

Jorja has to bring presents to Taiwan. Two host family presents, ten buddy presents and school basket presents. I have been talking to her about this for a long time. She didn't like my ideas. The result was I made a mad dash to the store to pick out something since Jorja didn't decide on anything. For her host families we have an American tea towel, taffy and cinnamon gummy bears. Jorja picked out the school stuff yesterday with Brynlee. Random stuff. All the kids gifts get split up and they make about 15 baskets out of them. For the buddy gifts I ended up getting soap. Not the most exciting, but I think it's cute. We were supposed to spend $5/gift for the buddies. This was the best I could do at the last second.
I left Harmon's and thought I had enough time to run to Walmart to pick up a few last minute things Jorja asked me to get. I remember thinking we had to leave at 8:45, so I would have to be fast, but it could be done. I was leaving Walmart at 8:20 when it dawned on me that I was completely wrong. She has to be at the airport at 9:00, how could we get there so fast? I have no idea what I was thinking or how 8:45 stood out in my mind. Needless to say, Jorja and Mike were stressed when I got home. I had a ton of stuff we needed to pack, so we threw them into Jorja's suitcases. She also had to make sure her big suitcase was less than 50 pounds. Mike started moving things around. Well, he moved all of her hair stuff from her checked luggage to her carry-on. He didn't realize that was her carry-on. She had to throw away all her hair stuff when she went through security. Not a happy thing for her. Anyway, we made it to the airport just fine. Jorja's flight didn't leave until 11:00, she was just supposed to meet the other ten kids at 9:00. We found them and she wasn't the last one to show, so that's good. I slammed the trunk of the car onto my head when we were dropping her off. It hurt so bad. I was dizzy the rest of the day. It was awful.
Mike & Jorja
 Jorja & Stephanie
It was weird watching her go through security. I stayed until I couldn't see her anymore. Marissa's mom stayed with me. She was texting her daughter to make sure Jorja met up with the group. Several in the group were preselected to go through fast security. Jorja wasn't. Jorja has only met these kids once. She was very nervous. She was hoping she would become friends with them. She posted a video of her waiting at the airport sitting across from a boy in a yellow shirt with a yellow backpack. Jorja was wearing a yellow shirt and had a yellow backpack. Her video said, "I can't tell him we're twins because he has AirPods in." Jorja texted me from California and said, "I have three good friends already! Twinny boy, Abi and Mindy. When Jorja met Trevor she told them they were twins and are best friends. That's how Jorja rolls. I love her.
Trevor & Jorja
 Jorja & Trevor
I came home and had the longest nap of my life. Almost two hours. It hurts to open my mouth, chew, move my head.... just hurts! Hopefully that will be over by tomorrow. I can not believe I just sent my 16 year old across the world! There isn't a chaperone going with them. Just ten kids traveling somewhat together. Wow. We must be nuts!

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